ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CHANGE Defined as shared beliefs, values, and norms of the people who make up the enterprise on the organizational design outcomes (mechanistic/organic) described earlier
FACTORS WHICH SHAPE CULTURE Key Organizational Processes Employee and Other Tangible Assets Formal Organizational Structures/Protocol/Arrangements The Dominant Coalition The Social System (Informal Organization) Technology The Environment
MANIFESTATIONS OF CULTURE Statement of Principles from Mission, Vision, and Belief Statement Stories/Folk Lore Slogans Heroes Ceremonies Symbols Climate The Physical Environment
THE CREATION OF CULTURE The Role of Managers and the Dominant Coalition The Role of Employees Factors That Contribute to the Effectiveness of Culture Coherence-how well the culture fits the mission and other organizational elements Persuasiveness and Depth-extent to which employees adopt the culture Adaptability to the External Environment
ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE External Sources of Change Internal Sources of Change Types of Change Strategic-Structural-Process-Oriented-People-Centered Change Management and Change
CREATING AND MANAGING CHANGE Diagnosing and Predicting the Need for Change Phase 1--Creativity Phase 2--Direction Phase 3--Delegation Phase 4--Coordination Phase 5--Collaboration
CREATING AND MANAGING CHANGE The Steps in Planned Change Recognize the Need for Change Develop Goals Select a Change Agent Diagnose the Problem--Shewhart Model Select the Intervention Method Develop a Plan Plan for Implementation Follow Up and Evaluate
TRAITS THAT PROMOTE CHANGE Mutual Trust Organizational Learning Adaptability
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE Sources of Resistance to Change Loss of Security Fear of Economic Loss Loss of Power and Control Reluctance to Change Old Habits or Try Something New Selective Perception Involvement in Creating and Planning for Change Awareness of Weaknesses in the Proposed Change
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE Techniques for Overcoming Resistance Participation Open-Communication Advanced Warning Sensitivity Security
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE Why Change Efforts Fail Faulty Thinking Inadequate Process Lack of Resources Lack of Acceptance and Commitment Lack of Timing and Poor Timing A Resistance Culture
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE Methods of Effecting Change Three-Step Approach--unfreezing, change, refreezing Force-Field Analysis Gap Analysis SWOT Analysis
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Purposes of Organizational Development Organizational Renewal Maximize Organizational Effectiveness The P-M-F Interface: To Provide Employment and Income to Both Employee and Employer The Strategies of Organizational Development Diagnostic and Change Strategies