S556 Systems Analysis & Design Week 14: December 2, 2008
S556-Fall Evaluation Team member evaluation Course evaluation go to QuizSite (Students)
S556-Fall Final Project Presentation 20 minutes each Every member of the team should be involved You are welcome to invite your clients
S556-Fall Final Specification Document The deadline is 5pm on Friday, December 12 Your team needs to submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy to Oncourse Oncourse Include contact information of clients (name, physical address, & )
S556-Fall Design Ideas (Verganti, 2006) Functionality vs. form Design change the experience, though $ a piece
S556-Fall Go Beyond Your Imagination When you design... Web 3.0 (Roush, 2006)
S556-Fall Risk-payoff Analysis (Yen & Davis, 1999) Area 3: advance immediately Area 4: do nothing until resources or the expected payoff increases Area 1: wait until additional analysis reduces the risk Area 2: stop immediately payoffs risks Area 1 high payoff high risk Area 3 high payoff low risk Area 2 low payoff high risk Area 4 low payoff low risk
S556-Fall Organizational Change Designing information systems for end users is as much about changing the behavior of users as it is about the technology itself (Regan & O’Connor, 1994)
S556-Fall Planned Organizational Change Information analysts needs to be technical experts as well as effective change agents Planned change has both: a technical and a social aspect
S556-Fall Understanding Resistance to Change Social uncertainty Limited perspectives Lack of understanding Resistance to technical personnel Perception that costs outweigh benefits Fear of failure or inadequacy Loss of control Feelings of insecurity Threat of economic loss
S556-Fall Overcoming Resistance to Change (HWW, Ch 16) Water drop method Make your project visible ROI Defining requirements Time to code Customer response Develop success stories
S556-Fall Adoption Adopter (Rogers, 1995; 2003) Innovators Early adopters Early majority Late majority Laggards
S556-Fall Adoption Adopter stage (Dormant, 1986) Awareness Self concern Mental tryout Hands on trial Adoption Air-car by Tata Motors
S556-Fall Involving Top Management in IT Projects (Simonsen, 2007) Participatory design Problem/ Need CausesConsequencesSuggestions for solution Not able to contact SLIS graduates No up-to-date contact information of SLIS graduates Difficult to network ??? Contact IU Alumni Association Provide systems for SLIS graduates’ information Use existing SNS
S556-Fall Lessons learned? Are there any lessons learned in this class that you’d like to share?