HIV is usually spread through… SEXUAL CONTACT 4 bodily fluids can transmit the virus Semen – All sexual contact (vaginal, oral, anal) Blood – Tainted transfusions / shared I.V. Needles Vaginal fluids – (penal or oral contact) Breast milk – Breast feeding young children
May be between 1 day to 3 months Stage 1 – Window Period Period of time between person becoming infected and the time they test positive May be between 1 day to 3 months MOST DANGEROUS STAGE
Stage 2 - Asymptomatic Period of time when person (has had or would have) a positive test but is showing no symptoms This is also very dangerous Since there are no symptoms, the person may still be practicing risky behavior
Stage 3 – Symptomatic stage Person begins showing physical signs and symptoms of the disease Opportunistic infections begin to set in
(Unclear symptoms, could be anything) Symptoms of Early HIV….. Flu like symptoms Reoccurring Fever Headache General Fatigue (Unclear symptoms, could be anything)
Stage 4 – AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Helper T – Cell count has now dropped under 200 per cubic millimeter of blood A healthy adult has approximately 1,000 helper t - cells per cubic millimeter of blood