Source #1 #1 Hodgdon, Benjamin. “Food Forest.” Earth Island Journal (2015): 47. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 13 Apr In this case, the reference is formatted for a database – I’ll I did was click “cite” on the right hand side of the page. Author. “Article.” Periodical. Volume.Issue (year of publication): page #. Database. Web. Date of access.
Source #2 #2 ver. A Schapiro, Mark. “Who’s Carbon Dating?” Newsweek (2014): 50. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 13 Apr In this case, the reference can be formatted for a database or a print material. Author. “Article.” Periodical. Volume.Issue (year of publication): page #. Database. Web. Date of access.
Source #2 #2 ver. B Schapiro, Mark. “Who’s Carbon Dating?” Newsweek. 19 Dec. 2014: 50. Print. In this case, the reference can be formatted for a database or a print material. Author. “Article.” Periodical. Date of publication: page number*. Print. * The format of the date
Source #3 #3 Bradford, Alina. “Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects.” Live Science. Live Science. 4 Mar Web. 16. Apr This is an internet (not a database) reference. Author. “Article.” Website title. Sponsor/publisher. Date of publication. Web. Date of access. Note: if any part is missing…skip it. Also, if the Website title and its sponsor are the same put it in twice…as title italicized and as sponsor in plain text.
1 For more than a century the importance of rain forest to the global climate has been recognized. Now concern about deforestation have caused scientists to seek innovative methods of preserving the rain forests. Summary
1 An all encompassing program to preserve rainforests has been sought; the answer may be REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.) (51) Paraphrase
2 “…managed forests have grown significantly during the past 20 years and now account for more than 30 percent of forests in the tropics” (48) Quote/Statistic
Deforestation is causing a global climate crisis. Funding and efforts to preserve these forests are critical to the maintenance of the earth’s climate and the survival of native peoples living in the tropical forests. Own Idea