The Digestive System
What is the function of the digestive system? Convert and break down foods into simpler molecules that can be absorbed by the body.
Mouth Chemical /physical breakdown of food Masticate-chew Amylase breaks down carbs
Esophagus Epiglottis prevents food from entering trachea Muscular tube that connects your mouth and your stomach Peristalsis moves food to the stomach
Stomach Muscular sac Mechanical/chemical Muscles contract and churn food+digestive juices chyme HCl,Pepsin digests protein No digestion of carbs
Small Intestine 20 ft Food stays 4-8 hrs. Absorption of nutrients
Villi fingerlike projections which line the walls of s.intestine/absorbs nutrients
Large Intestine 5 ft. Water absorption Indigestible materials stay hrs. Leads to rectum/anus
Liver Biggest organ Detoxifies poisons
Pancreas Secretions neutralize stomach acid Secretes insulin, helps cells absorb glucose
Healthy Habits Eat food high in fiber Drink water
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