Revision & House Keeping
Instructions NOTE: Attempt all questions Marks total 100 Write your answers in the spaces provided Write as clearly as possible The space provided will generally be sufficient but is not necessarily an indication of the expected length Extra space is provided at the end of this exam book. If you use the extra space, indicate in the original question space that your answer continues in the overflow, and number your answer carefully in the overflow area. QuestionMarksOf Total 100
General Area/Domains 1. Domain and Task Analysis 2. Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules 3. Agents with Common Sense 4. Intelligent Tutoring System Social Cognition 6. Dialogue and Cognition 7. Personality and Cognition
Materials covered Lecture slides Papers
Type of questions Basic knowledge Scenarios – using knowledge an apply it to a certain scenario.
Example of questions Your company has been contracted to develop an artificial intelligent agent that will support a team in planning a disaster response voyage. This is an intensive activity undertaken over a period of around 24 hours on short notice after news of a disaster. For instance, let’s say a storm has badly hit a nearby island nation and a ship is to be dispatched from Auckland the day after tomorrow. Who do we call up to participate? What do they take with them? The agent would support a response planning team in making these sorts of decisions. Assume you will have access to several experienced disaster response planners and their usual work setting and materials, but will not have the opportunity to wait for a real natural disaster to occur. Name three domain analysis techniques you would apply. For each, describe what you hope to gain from their application and how it would benefit the agent design effort.
Example of questions Consider a service that monitors elderly individuals with chronic health conditions who live alone in their own home. To allow privacy, the monitoring does not include video surveillance. If the sensors indicate a possible problem, then the client will receive an automated phone call. Depending on the result of this call (including failure to answer), help may be sent. Describe how the automated dialog might be informed or directed based on the data from the sensors in the client’s home. In formulating your response, consider the experiences from the Telephone Linked Care dialog system (as reported by Migneault et al.) and the ‘smart home’ sensor fusion approach as reported by Hong et al.
Grades Please check that the current grades on Cecil is correct – Mid Semester Test – Presentation – Final Project Grade ( 2 weeks time)