Agenda 1/8/2013 Warm-Up Demography video clip Demography notes & graphic organizer Population Density Worksheet
1. If it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? A. Spring B. Winter C. Fall D. Summer
2. When it is fall in the Northern Hemisphere what is the position of Earth’s tilt in relation to the sun? A. extremely tilted toward the sun B. extremely tilted away from the sun C. not tilted on its axis at all D. not tilted extremely toward or away from the sun
Timeline of Human History 100’s of thousands of years ago man 1 st appeared in the Great Rift Valleys of East Africa. 10,000 years ago man had migrated into the Middle East. Discovered how to plant seeds for food leading them to abandon nomadic (wandering in search of food) hunting and gathering lifestyle. Agriculture spreads and people start to settle in 1 place & develop cities.
River Valley Civilizations River valley’s good soil & water=1 st cities arose b/c enough food for population= - in # of farmers & + priests, soldiers, traders, & craftspeople= need for government.
Industrial Revolution 1700’s the Industrial Revolution begins= + urbanization (movement of people to the cities) = + in factory jobs and opportunities
Now ¾ of world’s population lives on 5% of land. Top 5 areas East Asia South Asia S.E. Asia Europe North America Physical & Human factors influence where people settle
Factors influencing where people settle: Physical Factors Climate Most where temperate or mild climate. WHY? Natural Resources Clustered around ports & fresh water sources, Flat & fertile land as well. WHY?
Factors influencing where people settle: Physical Factors Bodies of Water 2/3’s of population live within 500 miles of the ocean. WHY? Landforms 8 of 10 largest cities along fault lines Fewer people live in mountainous, dry, cold, or extremely wet areas. WHY?
Factors influencing where people settle: Human Factors Level of Technology Higher the level of technology = more people free to explore & settle new areas. Transportation Routes New routes leads to new settlements Ex. Railroad opened up the Western United States to more settlement.
Factors influencing where people settle: Human Factors Urbanization Increase in urbanization leads to increase in population in areas around cities. Economic Activities New economic opportunities bring people to new areas. Ex. California gold rush (1849) brings a large influx of people to California & western states.
Agenda 1/9/13 Warm-Up Grade papers & tests Patterns in Size & Distribution of Cities Notes Turn in homework
1. What is the angle of the tilt of the earth? A. 23.5° B. 35° C. 21.5° D. 30° 2. What effect does the tilt have on the earth? A. It causes the earth to spin faster on its axis. B. It causes day and night to occur. C. It causes the seasons to occur. D. It has no effect on the earth.
Grading papers Rainfall in India/Mainland Southeast Asia on the Map Australia & New Zealand on the Map/Island Countries of Southeast Asia on the Map Ch. 9 Test 1. B 2. F 3. D 4. J 5. A 6. H 7. C 8. J 9. A 10. D
Patterns in Size & Distribution of Cities
Demographer Studies characteristics of populations & where people settle. Ex.: males, females, ages- population pyramids Can tell if society is healthy with good health care= longer life expectancy.
Distributions of Cities CBD- central business district Residential= possibly lower income housing Suburbs= outside of city- formed “satellite cities” and when join= metropolitan area or region. Squatter settlements- less educated & few resources. People who move to city who can’t afford to live in the city- use plywood, metal, & plastic sheets to make housing/buildings= shantytowns CBD Squatter Settlemen ts Residential Suburbs *developed around business district *wealthier moved to suburbs – commuted. This is reversing now in some big cities
URBAN PATTERNS City Center best known area, most visually distinctive San Francisco, London original site of settlement Central Business District retail & office space assessable often a focal point with skyscrapers specialized stores for the office workers
URBAN PATTERNS Zones in Transition mixed use with light industry transition from business to residential older neighborhoods (slums) home to ethnic groups not culturally integrated ghettos vs. ethnic neighborhood Suburbs residential nodes of retail services
GROWTH OF THE CITY Skyscrapers - using vertical space intensive use of land shops at street level professional offices at higher levels Outward Expansion advent of the automobile & transportation routes decline of public transport
OUTWARD EXPANSION (con’t) Squatter Settlements - illegally erected shacks, cardboard structures and tents, due to rapid growth in cities of developing countries De-urbanization of the City suburbanism - legally independent cities cluster cities rural areas- preferable to urban lifestyle telecommuting - economic activity from a distance
Agenda Warm-up Finish Demography notes Sign up for Projectshare Start Demography lessons in project share
1. In which zone will you find a variety of weather? A. Temperate B. Tropic C. Longitudinal D. Polar 2. What would happen if there was no tilt of the earth? A. The earth would not rotate on its axis. B. There would be no seasons. C. Day and night would be the same length everywhere on earth, all year long. D. The earth would be pulled closer to the sun. 3.
Trends in World Population Once agriculture discovered population grew gradually. After 1700’s – Industrial Revolution= new farming techniques & modern science lead to fast increase in Europe’s population. When European’s conquered/colonized areas all over the world bringing new ideas leads to population explosion. Since WWII (1940’s) in Asia, Africa, & Latin America populations have risen dramatically.
Trend’s continued billion people billion billion billion billion billion billion Some countries/areas are struggling to reduce birth rates & get growth under control because it is straining their economies & societies.
Grab a computer and log in Log on to the internet make sure it is CCISD wireless. Once there go to Mr. Cook to get your log in information. The password is sandcrabs When you log on it will have you create two security questions make sure you remember exactly how you answered them (including capital letters!) Once you have finished that STOP.
Now click on courses. You will have an invitation click on the green check mark on the right hand side to accept the invitation to World Geography. It will ask you to accept your name and role, just click accept do not change anything on that screen. STOP
Now you will be taken to the World Geography site. Click on Lessons on the left hand side. When the lessons load scroll down to the Urbanization: Growth of Cities Lesson. Click on it and when it loads go through the lesson, make sure to read, view the pictures & video clips (headphones if you got them). If you do not finish we will tomorrow we will finish the lesson and take the exam on it in class.