Buckinghamshire County Council What do you know about APP? Answer as many of the questions as you can!
Buckinghamshire County Council Standing back (APP) Public view (External exams) Close up (AfL) Day-to- day Periodic Transitional TONY CRADDOCK / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY DAN SAMS / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY GEORGE BERNARD / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Question one
Buckinghamshire County Council Standards files The Standards Files are exemplifications of national standards. These will help you reach consistent and reliable judgement about national curriculum levels in science. The Standards Files Question two
Buckinghamshire County Council Assessment guidelines Question three
Buckinghamshire County Council Question four
Buckinghamshire County Council Question five
Buckinghamshire County Council Question six
Buckinghamshire County Council APP is not: to replace all other forms of assessment; independent of other assessment processes; a portfolio per pupil; a test completed at regular intervals. Question seven
Buckinghamshire County Council Threads of APP Question eight
Buckinghamshire County Council AF1 Thinking scientifically AF2 Understanding the applications and implications of science AF3 Communicating and collaborating in science AF4 Using investigative approaches AF5 Working critically with evidence AF1.1 Using models for and in explanations AF2.1 Effect of societal norms (political, social, cultural, economic) on science AF3.1 Using appropriate presentation skills to enhance communication of scientific findings and arguments AF4.1 To effectively plan appropriate scientific investigations. AF5.1 Evaluation of the planning and implementation of scientific investigations. AF1.2 Weighing up evidence to construct arguments and explanations AF2.2 Creative use of scientific ideas to bring about technological developments AF3.2 Explaining ideas and evidence using appropriate conventions, terminology and symbols AF4.2 To identify and manipulate variables within the context of an investigation AF5.2 Consideration of errors and anomalies (from L5) AF1.3 The process of development of scientific ideas including the role of the scientific community in their development. AF2.3 Implications, benefits and drawback of scientific and technological development of society and the environment AF3.3 Presenting a range of views judging any possible misrepresentation AF4.3 To support the gathering of evidence through collection of precise and reliable data AF5.3 Processing and analysing data to support the evaluation process and draw conclusions. AF1.4 Provisional nature of scientific evidence AF2.4 Identification of how scientists use science in their work AF3.4 Scientists communicating worldwide using conventions AF4.4 To be aware of the risks associated with the investigative process AF5.4 Explanation and evaluation of evidence to support the scientific process Question eight
Buckinghamshire County Council Programme of Study 2007 How Science Works Range and context APP Question nine
Buckinghamshire County Council Using the Threads of APP You could use the APP threads to support: –Assessment –Planning –Feedback to students Question ten End of quiz
Buckinghamshire County Council What are the roots of APP?
Buckinghamshire County Council
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