Climate-KIC 2 October 2012
Birmingham’s Aim “To accelerate Birmingham’s transition to being one of the world’s leading green Cities”
Green Commission Review the whole of Birmingham’s carbon reduction targets – 60% cut by 2026 Create a clear plan and carbon and energy roadmap to drive progress forward at the pace we need End November - 1 st Report
Energy Imports! Birmingham imports 16,000 GWhr of energy A leakage of over nearly €2bn from city economy Transport fuel adds another €1bn Annually!!
City Energy Plan To “provide the most efficient and sustainable energy infrastructures for the city” -Delivery Group established -Cofely District Energy, Western Power & Distribution, National Grid -now mapped energy infrastructures – linking to development/regeneration opportunities -District energy schemes high priority -need for more effective energy master planning
Creating Integrated Solutions
Birmingham Energy Savers Accelerating Building Retrofit -Delivery Partner to be announced – 8 th October -15,000 homes 1 st phase -continue to take advantage of FITs – now over 2000 solar PV installations in city
Collective Energy Purchase “Collective Energy Offer to all Birmingham citizens to get a much better energy purchase deal from the energy companies” -dialogue taking place supported by uSwitch -learning from Cornwall and other locations with DECC support -working with BES & Benefits Advice -Details to be announced later this year
Smart Waste Plan To refresh how we manage the City’s waste from our households, businesses and public bodies -a “resource efficiency” approach
“Green Bridge” To accelerate transition of city’s economy towards energy efficiency, sustainability and carbon reduction - RGF Bid “SME Supply Chain Transition to Green Economy” - selected to proceed to the next stage -nationally short-listed 278 bids (€2billion)
Green Planning “A new approach combining Core Strategy, GI, Adaptation and SPD providing effective planning guidance to support investors, developers and our communities to plan for a secure and sustainable future” -Green Infrastructure -City Ecosystems approach
Lessons Collaboration between city stakeholders Being clear about what we need to achieve Understanding the “footprint” of the city on the planet
Contact Details Sandy Taylor Head of Climate Change and Environment Birmingham City Council (0) (0)