Page 1 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project PM&D AcquisitionAcquisition COAIndustry Day Best Practices Acquisition COA Highlight “gold standard” best practices in acquisition innovation Myth bustersAcquisition COA“Lifting the Veil” – bi-monthly meetings, and Forum in June Shaping the future of Federal telecommunications NT COANS2020 Operational Excellence WP NT COABi-monthly series of collaborative forums CloudCloud COAWP/ Preso on Cloud acquisition - Best Practices Best practices applicable to health care processes, accountability and systems FM COAAssist VA with survey and provide a WP and Forum June 9th DevOpsET COA AgileETCOAAgile Starter Kit Suggested COI and COAs
Page 2 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project I&DG Data TransparencyDATA Act COAIndustry Day Best Practices DATA Act COAFive New Exec Reports in Development Data AnalyticsAnalytics and Big Data COABig Data Summit April 24th Analytics and Big Data COAMonthly presentations of Big Data practices Mobile Technologies and Innovation Advanced Mobility COABi-monthly jam sessions Advanced Mobility COAMobile app fairs Digital Services PlaybookE T COA Workforce DevelopmentHC COAIdentify Big Data recruiting best practices by leading companies Digital Transformation Suggested COI and COAs
Page 3 Strategic PriorityCOICOACOA Project Evolving the Workforce Workforce DevelopmentHC COAIndustry Day Best Practices Workforce DevelopmentHC COAMonthly presentations of examples of successful workforce strategies Workforce DevelopmentAM COAWork with OMB/OFPP to address training, skill sets, and other areas where acquisitions may be improved, streamlined, and enhanced. Government IT Manager Core Competencies HC COACompetencies for the Next Generation of IT White Paper Skills for acquiring innovative digital products and services such as cloud and mobile HC COA, AM COA, ET COA Assist Office of Federal Procurement Policy in its Digital Information Technology Acquisition Professionals (DITAP ) Suggested COI and COAs
Page 4 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project Secure Sharing and Safeguarding Cybersecurity best practicesCybersecurity COAMonthly forums for cybersecurity best practices/emerging trends Cybersecurity best practicesCybersecurity COAThreat Intelligence and Information Sharing, a half day forum 3/31/15 Cybersecurity in government acquisitions Cybersecurity COA Risk management frameworkCybersecurity COASupply chain risk management session at ELC 2015 Acquire Shared ServicesAM COAWP Accelerating the Federal Adoption of Shared Services FM COA (Shared Services COA) Participated in a Treasury workshop on shared services, continued collaboration with OMB Suggested COI and COAs
Page 5 Strategic PriorityCOICOACOA Project Citizen Experience Enhancing Government Services P&A Community of InterestUsing Service Integration Model (SIM) to design a citizen centric agency WP Using Life Events to Improve Citizen Service P&A Community of InterestCitizen Experience Forum Suggested COI and COAs