Tiffany Godinez Room 8 5 th Grade
Introduction 5 th Grade Highlights Curriculum Overview Homework Attendance Assessments, Grading Scale, & Report Cards Behavior Expectations Parent/Teacher Partnership Agenda
B.A. in Liberal Studies and M.A. in Child and Adolescent Literacy from LMU Multiple-Subject Teaching Credential Reading Specialist Credential Reading Certificate Teaching since 2006 Grades 2, 4, and 5 UCI Writing Project Fellow
Greater independence and personal responsibility Subject matter is more dense Oldest students on campus Last year before middle school Music program Outdoor Science School
4 C’s Communication Critical Thinking Creativity Collaboration College and Career Readiness
Reading Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Expanded vocabulary Love of reading Writing Narrative Informational/Expository Opinion/Argument Poetry
Write and interpret numerical expressions. Analyze patterns and relationships. Understand the place value system. Perform operations with multi- digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths. Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. Represent and interpret data. Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.
Science Physical Science Building Blocks of Matter Changes in Matter Life Science Basic Structures of Organisms Human Body Systems Earth Science Water on Earth Weather Solar System History-Social Science Geography Native Americans Early Settlements Original Colonies Revolutionary War Constitution Presidents States & Capitals
Students who may want to take band or orchestra at Jefferson Middle School are encouraged to take the instrument classes because there are no beginning music classes at Jefferson. Thursdays 1:10 – 2:00 Please encourage your child to be responsible for remembering his/her instrument.
Wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen. Students need a note signed by a physician to be excused from P.E. for more than one day. Mondays and Fridays 9:30 – 10:20
Agenda Please check agenda daily and sign. Feel free to write comments/questions for me in the notes section. Students are responsible for copying down homework every day. Reading practice every night ConnectED (MyMath) Pearson SuccessNet
Please make sure your child arrives promptly every day. Absences should be kept to an absolute minimum. Please call the office, , or send a note to have the absence excused.
Content area quizzes and tests Projects SRI STAR Ongoing informal assessments District Assessments California Standards Test (CST) in Science Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)
4 (Standards Mastered) 90% - 100% 3 (Standards Met) 74% - 89% 2 (Standards Nearly Met) 50% - 73% 1 (Standards Not Met) 0% - 49% NA: Not Assessed in the Trimester
Academic Performance Levels: 1-4 scale Effort Levels: Outstanding Satisfactory* Not consistent Unsatisfactory
Washington Warrior Code of Conduct I will be… “A” responsible person “A” respectful person “A” problem solver “A” good decision maker “A” safe person
Table points Whole-class incentives Individualized plans as needed Schoolwide: gold slips, citations, red slips
Students earn credits for completing homework assignments, good behavior, classroom jobs, etc. Students lose money for missing assignments, using the restroom during classroom, poor behavior, etc. Students are issued a classroom paycheck at the end of the pay period and may use the money they have earned in the classroom student store.
Agenda Comments Parent-Teacher Conferences Report Cards Note or phone call
Review homework, quizzes, and tests Field Trip Chaperones/Volunteers TB Test on file & Volunteer Badge Do you have an area of expertise you’d like to share with the class? Please join PTA Helps pay for field trips, school assemblies, art with Mr. Loya Classroom Donations Supplies, items for student store, Wish List
November 2 – 6 Monday through Thursday are minimum days (1:30 dismissal) Friday, November 6, is a student-free day Signup Genius
Contact me: (626)