NOAA Satellite Proving Ground/User Readiness Meeting Ming Ji Director, Science & Technology Integration National Weather Service June 15,
STI Objective: Coordinate, Integrate, and Manage Field Driven R2O –Address NAPA recommendation –Enable coordinated, end-to-end field R2O –Strategies: National SOO/DOH Program - Integrated R&D Project Teams: –SOOs/DOHs, SSDs, National Centers, Labs. Centralized Development-Testing Environment (IDP) CSTAR-Vlab/Testbeds-OPG Centrally support and manage local modeling/studies (e.g., NWPS) 4
TA#4: Enable Workforce Develop training to support WRN goals 5 AFS FY16 Thrust Area (TA) Focusing Categories TA#1: Common Operating Picture Improve Consistency Extend Spatial & Temporal capacity of Forecast/Hazard Info Ensure Availability of Comprehensive suite of Environmental Information TA#2: Improve Message Clarity Potential Alternatives to WWA (Haz Simp) Effectively Communicate Forecast Uncertainty Info TA#3: Expanded Mission-based Service Delivery Transform from Product-centric to Interpretive Services Establish ROCs* Define End-to-End Dissemination Strategy Close Service Backup Gaps Develop sector-specific service strategies *Pre-decisional Planning
MEETING PURPOSE Tactical focus on NWS readiness ON DAY-1 for new satellite data (primarily GOES-R, Himawari, SNPP/JPSS) –Himawari: Sept –GOES-R:Sept –JPSS:2017 –A number of capabilities are already in AWIPS –Significantly enhanced imagery and products are coming soon –Focus on NWS (user) readiness, e.g. Training 6
GOES-R/Himawari 7
New satellite products expected next 18 months (~130 new products): –Himawari (23 total / 12 critical) –GOES-R Baseline (38 / 20) –SNPP (38 / 25...most criticals for AR) –GCOM ( 7 / 1) –GOES-R added (11 / 2) –GPM (11 / 4) –Sentinel / Radarsat (1 / 1) –SMAP (4 / 0) –Direct Broadcast Unique (? / ?) CSPP-LEO (TBD) CSPP-GEO (TBD) 9
Challenges Concurrent development & deployment of systems –NWS AWIPS II readiness –NWS AWIPS Data Delivery development and testing –NWS GRB antenna system development, installation and testing –NESDIS PDA development and testing –NESDIS GOES-R & JPSS Ground Segment development and testing End-to-end functionality - ensuring all systems work together to get satellite products to the forecaster NWS Forecaster training for greatly expanded product sets available to forecasters in AWIPS 10
Summary Purpose: –Tactical focus on NWS readiness for new satellite data (primarily GOES-R, Himawari, SNPP/JPSS) Meeting Objective –Gain common understanding of state of use readiness for new satellite data –Identify technical issues that need to be addressed in short term –Identify critical items to include in training implementation plan 11