By: V. Kannan 03 March 2013 Surat
Maliba is just not a university campus in Bardoli Maliba is an opportunity Maliba is a positive, sincere experiment Towards a definite purpose – Gradually Introduce Sahaj Marg over 10 – 20 weeks Carefully crafted Attentively implemented With constant Guidance from Kamleshbhai and Revered Master To participate in His vision of a spiritualized humanity Youth is the gateway to the future What is Maliba?
Sep 2012 – 125 students started Many of them are still practicing and interested Could not provide much follow up Oct 2012 – Kamleshbhai gave the responsibility of the Course to Kannan and Sittings to Maheshbhai Dec 2012 – Self Development course started Feb 2013 – 60 faculty members are being introduced and more to come Mar 2013 – September Students will be brought back weekly on Saturdays from 1.30 to 2.30 starting March 9 th Future – Continue to the courses and Sittings and Satsangh support A Quick flashback
Mission statement of the course To offer the students of this country an aspirational set of values to live by; to help them achieve a balanced life focused on a spiritual goal and an ethical material life; and to contribute to nation building. What is the course?
To develop a set of practical and interactive curriculum spanning a) History, purpose and practice of religiouns b) Evolution of human mind (philosophy) and the good and evil of modernization c) Explore spiritual systems and tools that interface the ever-changing human situation with the unchanging Absolute d) Personal transformation and “how to” sessions for self development Course Elements
a) Better understanding of various philosophies and respect for various religions b) Inspired and self motivated to pursue a balanced life c) A deep interest in a Spiritual sadhana d) Honest and capable students with hopes of a better India and humanity Desired Outcome
Talks and Lectures from Scholars and Professionals Videos – Podcasts, DVDs Group Discussions, Workshops, Practical Sessions s of additional materials and Handouts Volunteer work to inculcate social responsibility (2- 3 out-door projects) Continuous assistance available from the SRCM facilitators Approach to the class
Must be a AAA abhyasi (in addition to regular practice) Availability- Time, Mobile, Approachability- Consistent attitude Accessibility- Transportation Must have An unshakeable Interest in doing Master’s work due primarily to the understanding of His vision Ability to withstand ups and downs Accept guidance from Coordinators What is expected of the support team?
This is a privilege, not a promotion It is a responsibility, not a reward Attitude of gratitude, sincerity and humility Cooperate (work together) Good Attitude
The coordinators - MaheshBhai Surendra Bhai V. Kannan Who do you look to?
Satsangs Spontaneous and Systematic dispersion of Sahaj Marg Knowledge and practice Sittings Play video Q and A What is to be done?
Get acclamatized Go to Maliba weekly Observe Start slowly Learn it Study the curriculum document Watch the videos of the course Will be available in a few months Make teams, plans and schedules Facilitators Prefects Helpers Organize around natural order Have fun and enjoy doing His work Don’t fight How to do it?
Prefects Conduct Satsanghs and give sittings Work constantly Prayerfully Facilitators Good communication skills Make changes based on local condition (timing etc) Helpers Back office Scheduling, calling, No role based hierarchy Organize around a natural order of brotherhood Right man for the right job Earn your respect Roles
Self Development In the Context of spirituality and a practical Approach If they don’t know how much you care, they don’t care how much you know We take true interest in the audience, serve the Master, then automatically they will be attracted to what we have to offer Meditation is the ultimate tool for Self Development to the ultimate possibility of realizing the Self Name of the Course and Why?
Orientation Study of Values, Yoga, Religions, Meditation Systems and Sahaj Marg Introduced Sahaj Marg in the 11 th week We are not anxious or wanting to convert anyone But we can only teach Sahaj Marg if they are interested in Meditation Approach is relaxed and sustainable for long term Brief Curriculum
Next few weeks you will be given in depth orientation Synopsis of weekly happenings for the 10 – 15 week program Watch a video of one or two classes Role play In depth Orientation