Priority Development Areas Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Economic Development Director David Kleinschmidt, Public Works Director November 3, 2011
A Vision to Fully Realize the Development Potential of Vallejo’s Waterfront and Downtown Waterfront Planned Development Master Plan Downtown Specific Plan
Plan Elements Consolidate existing surface parking area for Vallejo ferry in a parking structure to provide land for redevelopment (mixed-use, retail, residential, hotel) Construct building upgrades for ferry terminal Construct new bus transfer facility in the downtown Construct pedestrian and bicycle improvements Intensify development in the downtown within walking distance to the Vallejo ferry terminal and bus transfer facility
Vallejo Station Parking Structure Joint use for transit and commercial 1400 parking spaces for ferry riders Phase 1 almost complete 750 spaces on two levels Phase 2 will begin after Post Office relocates
BEFORE Vallejo Station Parking Structure
Ferry Terminal Building Upgrades Restored observation deck Updated restrooms Increased ADA accessibility Make Ferry Terminal attractive to current and future tenants and customers
BEFORE Ferry Terminal Building Upgrades
AFTER Ferry Terminal Building Upgrades
Vallejo Transit Center Relocated transit center from prior location at York & Marin 12 off-street bus bays,two story administration building Bus shelters, public restrooms, ticket office, security system
BEFORE Vallejo Transit Center
Downtown Pedestrian Improvements Main 14 block downtown business and cultural area Traffic calming and diagonal parking Widened sidewalks, benches, lighting Facilitate pedestrian traffic to transit hubs Sonoma, Virginia, Sacramento, and York
Downtown Pedestrian Improvements
29 Artists Lofts on Virginia/Marin with ground floor commercial (building rehabilitation) Approved Development Projects