The Earth’s Radiation Budget 3:35 The Earth’s Energy Balance
The Earth’s Radiation Budget is how much of the sun’s energy is absorbed by the earth versus how much of it is reflected back out to space. Approximately 71% is absorbed in total ( )
If the Earth and it’s atmosphere keep more solar energy than it sends back to space, the Earth will warm up. If more energy is sent back to space than is kept by the Earth and it’s atmosphere, the Earth will cool down.
Scientists think of the Radiation Budget in terms of a see-saw or balance. When absorbed sunlight and reflected energy balance each other, the Earth's temperature doesn't change - the radiation budget is in balance.
The Ozone layer filters out/reflects many of the sun’s harmful rays and prevents some sunlight from reaching the earth. OZONE LAYER EARTH
Greenhouse effect
Interactive Worksheet “Reading Comprehension Pages” p 43 ( link to above (