Session 4: Transit Infrastructure Development Ricardo J. Sánchez Acting Director Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division UNECLAC
2 Source: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean with information of IIRSA for the year 2013 and 2014, accessed at 3 June 2013 and 07 December 2015 respectively, IIRSA/COSIPLAN/UNASUR: Participation of Landlocked countries in the total portfolio (millions USD)
3 IIRSA/COSIPLAN/UNASUR: Transport Investments, by subsector and stage of the project (Millions USD) Source: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean with information of IIRSA for the year 2014, accessed 07 December Transport Investment by country: Plurinational State of Bolivia 3.8% Paraguay 7.2%
4 IIRSA/COSIPLAN/UNASUR: Transport Investments, National Projects by stage of the project (USD) Source: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean with information of IIRSA for the year 2014, accessed 07 December 2015.
Session 5: LLDCs and International Trade and Trade Facilitation Customs and border crossing procedures Ricardo J. Sánchez Acting Director Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division UNECLAC
6 Contribution of International Freight to the total cost of Imports Contribution of International Freight to the total cost of Imports
7 Burden of international transport costs, total imports Source: Author based on BTI, various years
8 Burden of international transport costs, intra South America imports Source: Author based on BTI, various years
9 Burden of international transport costs, road transport Source: Author based on BTI, various years Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 6,6%7,2%7,8%7,6%7,9%7,2% Paraguay5,9%6,5% 6,8% Peru5,1%6,3%5,8%5,3%5,0%5,7% Uruguay5,1%5,6%5,1%5,2%5,8%5,9% Argentina5,0% 5,1%4,7%4,8%4,6% Brazil3,2%3,7% 3,6%
10 Burden of international transport costs, pharmaceutical products (SITC 54) Source: Author based on BTI, various years
11 Burden of international transport costs, machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7) Source: Author based on BTI, various years
12 Fuente: Comisión Económica para América Latina y El Caribe (CEPAL), sobre la base de información de IIRSA para el año Plurinational State of Bolivia: Logistics ineffiency 2013
13 Fuente: Comisión Económica para América Latina y El Caribe (CEPAL), sobre la base de información de IIRSA para el año Paraguay : Logistics ineffiency 2013
14 1. Lack of infrastructure Hinterland connections, quality of roads and bridges 2.Inefficencies Modal split, energy efficiency 3.Congestion In urban areas and port and airport access 4.Logistics Security Theft and cost of antiterrorist measures 5. Human Resources Lack of professionals 6. Facilitation problems Multiple visions about logistics and international trade generates over costs 8. Logistics Planning Lack of coordination and integrated normative 9. Logistics cost Lack of value added services in transport 7.Lack of ICT Lack of ICT’s use in transport SME Main pitfalls in land transport that explains some of these national ineffiencies
Session 6: Financing and Investment to improve transit for LLDCs Ricardo J. Sánchez Acting Director Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division UNECLAC
16 Latin America: infrastructure investment, A (Percentages of GDP) B Fuente: Comisi ó n Econ ó mica para Am é rica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), sobre la base de datos de iniciativa BID/CAF/CEPAL y C é sar Calder ó n y Luis Serv é n, “ Infrastructure in Latin America ”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, N º 5317, Washington, D.C., Banco Mundial, A From are preliminary data. B Figure includes investments in transport, energy, telecommunications and water and sanitation in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
17 Transport infrastructure investment, simple average a (Percentages of GDP) b Fuente: Comisi ó n Econ ó mica para Am é rica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), sobre la base de datos de iniciativa BID/CAF/CEPAL. a From are preliminary data. b Figure includes investments in transport, energy, telecommunications and water and sanitation. Data from Uruguay are from
18 Sources of financing for infrastructure Sources of financing for infrastructure 1. Public sector – Direct financing – Development banks 2. Domestic financing – Banking system – Domestic pension funds – Private capital investors 3. Foreign financing – Foreign direct investment – Multilateral development institutions – Bilateral investment mechanisms – Foreign pension funds 4. Innovative strategies for financing infrastructure – Public-private partnership (PPP) – Securitization 5. Inter-generational / sovereign funds, natural resources based on