Lateral 舌边音 / 旁流音: / l / Time:1period Chapter Twelve 第十二章
Warming-up exercises: A. Review the following phrases: /m / blame nobody / all the same / make a move /n/ make a noise in the world / normalize the relations / gaining a lot of weight / ŋ / washing and cooking / reading and writing / the coming spring B. Review the following sentences: The milk man is shouting. She is narrow-minded. Do you know the meaning of the song? Lily is learning another language.
C. Review the following tongue twisters: a. As I was going along, along, along, I sang a comical song, song, song, The lane that I went was long, long, long, And the song that I sang was as long, long, long, And so I went along singing the long, long song. b. Autumn winds are sighing, sighing in the trees; The ripen corn is waving, waving in the breeze.
D. Review the following chants: The Seasons Spring is gay with flower and song, Summer is hot and the days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter brings snow and the New Year again. Review the following words: write rose bread reach rider rifle ribbon reel
Definition The lateral is so called because, in this sound, the airflow is around the sides of the tongue. Alveolar closure with the tip of the tongue gives ‘clear’ l, as in live. This occurs before vowel sounds. After vowel sounds, (as in pool), before consonants (as in help), the back of the tongue is raised towards the soft palate, giving ‘dark’ l (an allophone).
Characteristics /l/ A lateral sound. A partial closure is made by the blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge. Air is able to flow around the sides the tongue. The soft palate is raised. /l/ is voiced.
舌位图 /l/
Games and Activities
Practice 1. Words /l /&/r/ lice /rice ; filing / reading; file /rifle lead / read; liver /river; elect / erect 2. Phrases A hard blow / little by little / in low spirits as black as coal / really and truly read between the lines / liquid capital live and let live / in cold blood / carry coals to Newcastle / lucky in love
3. Sentences Live and learn. Look before you leap. Love me little, love me long. Leave me alone, please. It is a high load. Collect the papers, please. A little pill may well cure a great ill. He lost his life in the struggle for liberty.
4. Tongue twisters A. Little Lily and little Nelly are writing letters. Let’s leave little Lily and little Nelly alone. B. Will you sit still, Bill? I’ll sit as still as a hill. C. A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the fly, ‘Let us flee!’ Said he flea, ‘Let us fly!’ So they flew through a flaw in the flue. D. Red lorry, yellow lorry, green lorry.
5. Rhymes A. Do It Now If a task is once begun, Never leave it till it’s done; Be the labor great or small, Do it well and not at all. B. Wish Early to bed, Early to rise Makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise. Eat slowly and live a long life. Eat at pleasure, drink by measure. Fear kills more than illness. Folly is an incurable disease.
After-class assignments: 1. Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, tongue twisters and the rhymes learned in class. 2. Make sentences, dialogues and / or advertising slogans containing the laterals. 3. Learn to sing an English song: Edelweiss. 4. 完成葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版 《实用英 语语音》 p42-p43 练习 1 ), 2 )及朗读练习。