The Earth’s Interior – Layer Names
The Earth’s Interior - Composition
Insert arrows to show how convection currents cause tectonic plates to pull apart Tectonic Plate Convection Currents
Insert arrows to show how convection currents cause tectonic plates to push together Tectonic Plate Convection Currents
Identify the landforms created and the type of forces that cause them. E C
Label the anticline and syncline. What type of mountains are formed below? What causes them to occur? Use arrows to show the type of force.
Type/Name of landform? Force(s) used to create it? Type/Name of landform? Force(s) used to create it?
Type/Name of landform? Force(s) used to create it? Type/Name of landform? Force(s) used to create it?
Use arrows to indicate the forces and movement that cause a reverse fault. Type/Name of landform? Force(s) used to create it?
Tension or Compression?? Convergent plates Subduction zones Rift Valleys Mountains by folding Mountains due to normal fault Sea Floor Spreading Mountains due to reverse fault.
Tension or Compression?? Mountains by subduction (2 cont. plates) Ridge zones, particularly ocean plates Divergent plates Fault Block Mountains Mountains due to overthrust fault Trenches due to subduction
Identify whether it is physical or chemical weathering, THEN the specific type of weathering.. Freezing temperatures and moisture? Variation/fluctuations in H/C temperatures? CO 2 and SO 2 in the humid air? Presence of vegetation? O 2, Moisture and metallic minerals?
Label the diagram with appropriate terms related to running water erosion. A B C D
A B C D Label the diagram below with terms appropriate to rivers and river erosion.