Illegal immigrants By Alejandra Zavala
Introduction: Through the presentation many questions will be answer. Are illegal immigrants really taking our jobs? Do they have an opinion? How do they feel when individuals mistreat them? Could the country live with out them? Border fence cost Personal story.
Estimated number of illegal immigrants living in Utah There are about 65,000 illegal aliens living in Utah. 228,128 are Hispanics 88% males
Jobs that many of us will not do, unless we really need to. Dishwasher Construction work Agriculture/farm work Cleaning work For a minimum wage (salary $7.25 per hour) in some cases they are paid under the table
They don’t have a choice Most illegal aliens have 6 grade education or lower. Without legal status they don’t have a choice, they need to take the bread home, so they end up working up to 12 hour shifts in order to make enough to support the family.
Because of skin color individuals assume you're illegal.
Could the country live without them? Probably, however they will need to increase the minimum wages because most individuals will not take some jobs for such a small pay. The country will invest a great quantity of money trying to get rid of them and they will not leave.
The Border Estimated cost of border fence $4.8 millions per year
Personal story I didn’t know how illegal’s feel, until I met my husband. He lived illegally in the country for almost 8 years. Three out of the eight years I experience what they have to go through in order to bring bread home. Humiliations, and not getting paid after they laid him off, is the most horrible thing. Trying to get a job and be turn away because you don’t have a piece of paper saying you are legal is just frustrating, and when you try to do the right thing they humiliate you even more. The process to become legal is hard, and expensive and not everybody has the opportunity to do so. It took us a little more than two years to get everything done and have him back in the country, life is so much easier now, but we think about those who are going through the same situation we went through and it makes us sad. We are no criminals, we are people.