Population Trends and Policies Steal jobs from AmericansSteal jobs from Americans Drive down wagesDrive down wages Bring crimeBring crime Remittances to home countries rob American economyRemittances to home countries rob American economy Lack driver’s licenses but they driveLack driver’s licenses but they drive Overutilize government servicesOverutilize government services Don’t pay fair share taxesDon’t pay fair share taxes Don’t speak EnglishDon’t speak English Burden educational systemBurden educational system TerroristsTerrorists Don’t assimilateDon’t assimilate Contribute to overpopulationContribute to overpopulation Smuggle drugsSmuggle drugs Burden healthcare systemBurden healthcare system Must be multilingualMust be multilingual Anti-Immigration Arguments
Population Trends and Policies Take jobs Americans don’t wantTake jobs Americans don’t want Immigrants working for low wages keep food cheaperImmigrants working for low wages keep food cheaper Create more jobs in service industriesCreate more jobs in service industries Low wages in other Low wages in other Low wage immigrant labor encourages employers to stay in U.S.Low wage immigrant labor encourages employers to stay in U.S. Spur innovation and creativitySpur innovation and creativity Contribute to diversityContribute to diversity Immigrants have low crime ratesImmigrants have low crime rates Immigrants work hardImmigrants work hard Strong family valuesStrong family values Increase tax base, pay taxesIncrease tax base, pay taxes Off-shoring jobs drives down U.S. wagesOff-shoring jobs drives down U.S. wages Buy U.S. products to remitBuy U.S. products to remit Eventually families might immigrate and reduce remittancesEventually families might immigrate and reduce remittances Remittances contribute to poor economiesRemittances contribute to poor economies Americans also have these negative behaviorsAmericans also have these negative behaviors OverconsumptionOverconsumption Previous immigrants didn’t assimilate eitherPrevious immigrants didn’t assimilate either Anti-Immigration Counter-Arguments
Population Trends and Policies Verify social security numbers for employer’s to claim wage deduction.Verify social security numbers for employer’s to claim wage deduction. Increase refugee visas from war zones for example Iraq.Increase refugee visas from war zones for example Iraq. Border Fence.Border Fence. Other Immigration Policies
Population Trends and Policies Re-designed System (Temporary, Provisional, Permanent Visas) Re-designed System (Temporary, Provisional, Permanent Visas) Standing Commission 1Standing Commission 1 Executive Branch 11Executive Branch 11 Employer Enforcement 11Employer Enforcement 11 Secure Documents 1Secure Documents 1 Border Enforcement Border Enforcement Labor Certification 11Labor Certification 11 Worker Flexibility 11Worker Flexibility 11 Immigrant Integration 1111Immigrant Integration 1111 Unauthorized Population (Path to Permanent Legal Status) 1Unauthorized Population (Path to Permanent Legal Status) 1 Top Immigration Policies