MIA + BSI the natural stone institute NOVEMBER 15, 2015 – WASHINGTON DC What we can become together! Outline of the Next 2 Years / Q&A
Much has Already Been Shared MIA + BSI the natural stone institute
What we can become together! Objectives……. Assure members that the “best” of both organizations have been central to the discussion. Identify some examples of how key programming for both organizations is already being enhanced. Provide an overview of five key initiatives that will be undertaken over the next 2 years. Review the upcoming vote details. Field questions. MIA + BSI the natural stone institute
The best of both organizations. Putting all of the pieces together. Focused on building upon existing programs. Culture. Additive.
Perspectives from Jane & Jim Our focus has been on……. Aligning the combined resources (staff, programs, culture) to generate best results. Being creative, innovative, and thinking outside the box. Looking for ways to improve the industry. Teamwork – Collaboration – Results! Making this joint venture a Win-Win-Win for the industry, members, and staff too. MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Focused on what we can do together!
Examples of how key programming for both organizations is already being enhanced. MIA + BSI the natural stone institute
Building Stone Magazine Collaboration is already starting Today……. Distributed to 17,500 readers Tomorrow……. Distributed to over 100,000 readers This is a good example of the MIA’s influence. MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Alone: a valued asset of the BSI. Together: A&D distribution will exceed 100,000 architects and other specifiers
Online Resource Library Collaboration is already starting Yesterday……. Only features MIA resources Today……. Features MIA, BSI, ILI, NBGQA, and more. This is a good example of the BSI’s influence. MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Alone: a valued asset of the MIA. Together: this library is inclusive of resources from several stone associations
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Our focus will be on……. Incorporating more information on thin stone, flagstone, landscape stone, etc. Getting more technical standards out to the A&D community (online resource library is a good start). NOTE: DSDM version 8.0 is being published in January 2016 with over 100 pages added to strengthen information on restoration/maintenance
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Our focus will be on……. Creating a library of resources for the annual 8-hour refresher course. NBGQA is assisting. The online university will house many of these resources (available for individual or manager led classes). NOTE: One of the Tuesday AM discussion groups will focus on this topic – share your feedback and suggestions.
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Our focus will be on……. Expand upon existing MIA legislative influence Defining a core group of position statements and sharing that information with legislators. Creating a “call to action” database of members to assist with outreach.
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Our focus will be on……. Each industry segment (quarriers to restoration) --- smaller groups provide for leadership development, intimacy, and voice of each group to be heard. Create additional networking opportunities. Continue the collaboration and intimacy that exists within both organizations.
5 Key Initiatives MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Our focus will be on……. Successfully implementing an industry balanced promotional campaign with the initial $400K budget. Be relevant so the effort can be sustained for several years to come. Be proactive. Create positive buzz on natural stone. NOTE: One of the Tuesday AM discussion groups will focus on this topic – share your feedback and suggestions.
MIA + BSI the natural stone institute November 30th Electronic Vote BSI – 2/3 majority MIA – 50+% We will announce results on December 10 th. January 1, 2016
What we can become together! MIA + BSI the natural stone institute A larger voice for the industry. More safety training resources. More promotion. Regulatory & legislative advocacy. A unified organization with a unified mission. Relevant and Focused. Additive. Responsive.
MIA + BSI the natural stone institute Questions ?