7th RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 5th July 2007, Krakow, Poland
2 Agenda Agenda Items Rapporteur Arrival and registration All Opening -Approval of the agenda -Approval of minutes 6 th RCC Co-chairs Preparation -Preparation of the Implementation Group/Task Force Meeting -Overview of agenda items to be covered AEEG, E-Control, RCC (All) AOB All Closure Co-chairs
3 Implementation Task Forces Implementation TFResponsibleResult until Best-practice standardised bulletin boardTSOEnd June/ beginning of July Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage) TSOEnd June/ beginning of July Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA TSO & ShippersEnd June/ beginning of July Best practice provision of OSS serviceTSOEnd June/ beginning of July REETSRCCEnd June/ beginning of July Hub development as regional balancing market Hub operators EFET, Eurelectric, shippers End June/ beginning of July
4 Preparation of the Implementation Group/Task Force Meeting Review of TOR for implementation task forces Contents Feasibility Review of progress made by implementation task forces Progress made up to date Implementation in the region Role model character for rest of EU Coherence and convergence Reporting of progress made up and until now Quarterly reports & Press strategy: Focus: Investment
5 Overview of agenda items to be covered Best-practice standardised bulletin board Introduction & TORs Report by responsible implementation group members/TSOs Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage) First assessement of responses to the survey (E-Control) Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA IPA/OBA overview (E-Control) based on GTE interoperability report Report by TSOs/Shippers Best practice provision of OSS service Introduction: TOR and general OSS concept (E-Control) Report by TSOs/Shippers Regional Entry Exit Tariff System Report by RCC (AEEG, Sergio Ascari) Hub development as regional balancing market Report by EFET/Eurelectric
6 Any other business-AOB Proposed date of next meeting Suggestion: Next meeting in End of September in Maribor Key: Progress report by implementation group members Regulators only to facilitate the process Joint Working Group (JWG) Meeting with EC 17th July 2007, Brussels Topics to be covered: GGPOS, Transparency, Transit & Transmission, Art. 22 exemptions Update on GRI developments (if required) Context of regional activities Next Madrid Forum on 16th/17th October 2007 Update on issues regarding transparency (Outcome of recent survey) Coherence and convergence as key issues