Slides advance automatically or by clicking the mouse. Press the Esc key to exit presentation. Hoosier Sail & Power Squadron Chili Cook Off Party Photos November 2, 2015 The Home of Charlie & Samantha Hyde
Chili (6 pots of various blends) was set up and salads & desserts laid out.
As always, members & guests enjoyed socializing together. And the Winners were: Bob Beall – 3 rd Place Linda Winzenread – 2 nd Place Lori Gravenstreter – 1 st place
A Very Special Thanks to Barb Weigand, Nancy Beall, and Holly Settles for coordinating and overseeing this event. And especially to Charlie & Samantha Hyde for inviting us in to their beautiful home. Another Great Job that was much appreciated! Please plan to join HSPS for other social events.