The Art Of Giving
What Do I Owe The Local Church? What Do I Owe The Local Church? What Do I Owe The Local Church? A Disciple’s Personal Responsibility
The Art Of Giving
Considering A Disciple’s Monetary Obligations In The Local Church The Art Of Giving
It Realizes Real Need The early church didn’t have to wait long to see real need Acts 4:34-35 Conditions became wretched for some Heb 10:32-34 cp. 12:4 This way of thinking challenges us Real need does exist in the kingdom
The Art Of Giving It Possesses The Right Spirit True giving = “moved” or “stirred” to participate Ex 35:21 36:4-7 It is the giving of one’s self FIRST before giving what one possesses 2 Cor 8:1-6 No sacrifice will be deemed “too much” Mk 12:41-44
The Art Of Giving It Possesses The Right Spirit One who has learned this “art” will be cheerful, glad to give 2 Cor 9:5b, 7 A “compulsion to give” will not be found The spirit is one wanting to give…not being made to contribute
The Art Of Giving It Follows Through Giving is like obedience…it is a planned, calculated response (not an afterthought) The “art of giving” shows itself in following through with plans that were made Many a plan has been made only to go unfulfilled and unaccomplished
The Art Of Giving It Follows Through As “ready” as one is in planning, he must also be “ready” to finish 2 Cor 8:7-11 True giving is purposed in the heart first… then mechanics follow 1 Cor 16:1-2 Paul is discussing the public collection…yet, the worship of the heart is what is purposed 2 Cor 9:7
The Art Of Giving It Follows Through This “art” does have a “practical side” Under the Law of Moses, God removed any doubt as to what was expected Mt 23:23 Under the gospel of Christ, giving is proportional 1 Cor 16:2 The Christian must search his heart deeper than did the Jew
The Art Of Giving It Sees The End Results This is “giving with a purpose” We don’t give because God needs what we have to accomplish something great Man is indeed limited by what he can create God is under no limitations whatsoever O.T. Num 11:4, 10-13, 18-23, 31 N.T. Jn 6:5-9
The Art Of Giving It Sees The End Results Giving should be viewed as “sowing” and not counted as a loss 2 Cor 9:6 Many will not give charitably because they see it only as throwing money away Giving to the work of the Lord is not an expense …it is an investment
The Art Of Giving It Sees The End Results Giving should be viewed as “sowing” and not counted as a loss 2 Cor 9:6 Notice the terms used…“sowing” & “reaping” We give so that seeds planted today may grow and bear fruit for tomorrow’s harvest We have hope in what God alone can give 1 Cor 3:6
The Art Of Giving It Sees The End Results There is an “account” that exists for disciples…an account God manages Phil 4:15-17
The Art Of Giving Conclusion There is a “true art” to contributing to the cause of Jesus Christ Being the “cheerful giver” has benefits Ê It keeps us humble Deut 8:11-18 Ë It is a test of the sincerity of our love 2 Cor 8:8
The Art Of Giving Conclusion There is a “true art” to contributing to the cause of Jesus Christ Being the “cheerful giver” has benefits Ì It protects us from covetousness 2 Cor 9:5 Col 3:5
The Art Of Giving Conclusion Sermons like this aren’t preached so that… …the preacher can be paid more …we can upgrade the building, etc. We study lessons like this to help us determine if our worship to God in this area is what it ought to be
The Art Of Giving