What is Mentoring? SESSION 1 JUNE 2013
Defining Mentoring Mentoring is an intentional, long- term RELATIONSHIP in which one person imparts EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, and INSIGHT in order to develop the capacity and skills of the OTHER PERSON. Session 1
The Key Concepts 1.Mentoring is a relational process. 2.The mentor has experiences to share. 3. Something is transferred. 4. The mentor facilitates development. 5. The mentor empowers. Session 1
Define “Mentee” 1. The mentee is an ACTIVE adult learner who recognizes a need for ADDITIONAL insight and counsel in developing ministerial skills and knowledge 2. The mentee is “an adult learner who has CONSCIOUSLY undertaken a developmental journey” 3. The mentee is an ACTIVE rather than a passive participant in this process Session 1
Defining “Mentee” 4. The mentee makes the effort to ASSESS, INTERNALIZE and USE effectively the knowledge, skills, insights, perspectives, or wisdom offered. 5. The mentee SEEKS OUT HELP and uses it appropriately for developmental purposes wherever needed. 6. The mentee is an individual who is helped along the way in order to develop his or her own UNIQUENESS. 7. An effective mentoring relationship is led by the MENTEE rather than the mentor. Session 1
Disciple, Mentor, Coach We DISCIPLE New Believers: FOUNDATION. Laying the foundations. We MENTOR Emerging Leaders: FORMATION. Providing leadership formation. We COACH Ministry Practitioners: FACILITATION. Helping them bear fruit. Session 1
1. God is LOVE. A key aspect of God’s nature is His self- giving love. 2. The Trinity dwells in an eternal COMMUNITYcharacterized by love and unity. 3. God is capable of RELATIONSHIP both within the Trinity and with his creatures. 4. God CARES FOR people and all of creation. Basis in the Nature of the Trinity Session 1
1.To LOVE 2.For COMMUNITY 3.For RELATIONSHIP 4. With capacity and responsibility to CARE FOR others. Humans are created… Basis in God’s Creation Session 1
Five biblical passages related to the incarnation: 1.John 3:16 2.Matthew 20:28 3.Mark 10:45 4.John 10:11 5.Philippians 2:5-11 Basis in the Incarnation Session 1
Moses and Joshua Barnabas and Saul of Tarsus Paul’s mentoring practices Biblical Examples of Mentoring Session 1