Definitions of Discipleship A “disciple” (Gr. mathetes) is a learner (Mt. 5:1-2); then a follower (Mt. 8:23); the verb (Gr. mathetuo) means to “teach, instruct” (Mt. 13:52; 28:19; Acts 14:21) Jesus, John, and the Pharisees all had “disciples” (Mk. 2:18) Christians are “disciples” (Acts 11:26), but what does this mean? What is involved? Will you dare to be a disciple of Jesus?
Demands of Discipleship Deny yourself (Mt. 16:24) Take up your cross (Mt. 16:24) Follow Jesus (Mt. 16:24; Acts 20:30) Give up all for Jesus (Lk. 14:25-35) Go make disciples (Mt. 9:37-38; 28:20)
Difficulties of Discipleship You will be mistreated and misrepresented as Jesus was (Mt. 10:24-25) You will face hardships as Jesus did (Mt. 8:19-20; Lk. 9:57-62; Acts 14:22; 18:23) You will be required to set priorities for Jesus (Mt. 8:21-22) You will be taught challenging lessons from Jesus (Jn. 6:60-69)
Demonstrations of Discipleship Doing God’s will (Mt. 12:49-50) Continuing in the word of Christ (Jn. 8:31-32) Loving one another (Jn. 13:34-35) Bearing fruit for the Lord (Jn. 15:8) Truly converted to Jesus (Acts 9:1,19,25,26-27)
Dare To Be A Disciple Come, be a follower of Jesus (Jn. 1:35ff) Will you dare to be a disciple of Jesus (Jn. 9:27-28)? The demands are great, the difficulties are great, the demonstrations are great … but, the reward is also great (Mt. 16:25-27)