October 6 Warm-Up: Pick up Knowsys Practice from the table. Complete Group 5 Matching “The Jacket” - Similes & metaphors chart – effects of figurative language -Tone – what it is & how author conveyed it -SWBS – summary -Controlling idea -Text structure flippy Brushstrokes Practice Homework: costume illustration due Tues.
Brushstrokes Practice Revise the following core sentence six ways, using six different brushstrokes. The other kids laughed. Underline or highlight each brushstroke, and label it.
October 7 Warm-Up: Brushstroke Practice Finish your brushstroke sentences from yesterday. We will share. If you are finished, read. Grammar Mini-Lesson: Past Tense Verbs Show, Don’t Tell Show, Don’t Tell (ppt) - W rite a description of your costume that you illustrated for homework. - Include imagery (5 senses) & 3 brushstrokes (highlight/underline each) Homework: Study Group 5
October 8 Warm-Up: Group 5 Oddball Mini-Lesson: Subject Pronouns Show, Don’t Tell - Receive a classmate’s descriptive essay - I llustrate what is described -Match up 2 illustrations noticing any variances Homework: Study Group 5
October 9 Warm Up: Take out your brushstrokes keeper page; if you didn’t present your illustration yesterday, have it ready! Brushstrokes Review - Practice (formative grade) Revise your Show Don’t Tell paragraph -Highlight or underline your 3 brushstrokes & label them -Turn in your revised paragraph, your illustration, and other person’s illustration Homework: Study for Group 5 Quiz
Warm Up: Turn in your Brushstrokes Practice - basket Group 5 Quiz Make sure you have your 3 brushstrokes marked AND labeled in your costume description. Have ready to turn in! Writing Lesson: Ba-da-bing! strategy - ppt with examples - rotation group practice Introduce narrative prompt - Text structure prewrite Homework: finish your prewrite for a prompt ; have your BINGO word list complete for Wednesday; Knowsys Test (Groups 1-5) next Thursday OCTOBER 10