Emotion As a Way of Knowing
What is an emotion? List all the emotions you can think of.
Emotion – Easier Questions Is there a hierarchy to emotions? Are some emotions more real than others? Are feelings the same as emotions? How similar is intuition and emotion?
Emotion – Intermediate Which areas of knowledge are influenced most/least by emotion? Should any area of knowledge use emotion as a way of acquiring knowledge? Can emotion be recognized and understood by other minds? How are emotions communicated? Is it possible that emotions are triggered by physiological reactions? If so if we took these away would there still be emotions? How does culture, upbringing, or experience influence emotion? How different are emotions between people of different cultures?
Emotion - Difficult Are emotion and reason equally necessary in justifying moral decisions? “…we will always learn more about human life and human personality from novels than from scientific psychology” Noam Chomsky. To what extent would you agree? How big of a role should emotion play in the evaluation of knowledge claims? Do people act their way into feeling or feel their way into action? What is the relationship between emotion and experience? Relate to a CAS activity.