Chapter 6: Microbial Growth
How do bacteria grow? Not in size Increase in population size One cell divides into 2 new cells – binary fission
Binary fission
Binary fission: Attachment of chromosome to p.m.; replication of DNA; new p.m. and cell wall laid down between the 2 chromosomes This is the way that each new daughter cell gets one chromosome
Number of generations Number of cellsLog of # of cells 10 X = #
How can we describe growth? 2 n = no. of cells in n generation Generation time N t = N 0 x 2 n
Growth problems If Staphylococcus aureus has a doubling time (generation time) of 30 minutes and 5 hours have passed, how many generations have been produced? a. How many 30 minute time chunks are in 5 hours? = 10 ANSWER: 10 generations
Growth problems If Staphylococcus aureus has a generation time of 30 minutes and 5 hours have passed, how many bacteria will be present at the end of the time period? a. We have already determined that 10 generations will occur. b. 2 n = # cells at n generation c = # cells at the 10 th generation ANSWER = 1024 cells
Growth problems If Staphylococcus aureus has a generation time of 30 minutes and 5 hours have passed, how many bacteria will be present at the end of the time period if we start with 3,000 cells? N t = N 0 x 2 n N t = 3,000 x 2 10 = 3,072,000 cells at the end of 5 hours
Growth curve: lag, log, stationary, and death phases What occurs in each?
How can population size be counted? (Advantages and disadvantages of each method) 1. Direct methods A. Microscopic count with hemacytometer/ Petroff Hauser counting chamber
B. Plate counts – dilution series and plates
C. Filtration
D. Coulter counter/flow cytometer/Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS)
2. Indirect methods A. Dry weight B. Metabolic activity C. Turbidity
Growth requirements of microbes A. Temperature: Thermophiles Mesophiles Psychrophiles
B. pH: acidophiles C. Osmotic pressure (# of solutes in solution) Halophiles D. Oxygen: Types: Obligate aerobe Facultative anaerobe Obligate anaerobe Aerotolerant anaerobe Microaerophilic
Enzymes needed to survive in presence of oxygen: Catalase Peroxidase Super oxide dismutase (SOD)
E. Nutrients C, N, P, S elements needed Mg, Fe, etc. trace elements needed Media: Defined or complex Selective vs. differential Special
Mannitol salt agar – selective medium
Blood agar – differential medium
The End