Introduction to Body Dressing:
Interdisaplinary: adjective. 1. combining or involving two or more academic disciplines or fields of study.
Fashion – history: Begins with Charles Frederick Worth, first designer to sew labels into his garments.
Fashion – philosophy: critical and systematic approach to fundamental problems connected with reality, knowledge, values, reason, language
Fashion- Sociology: the study of society, theoretical processes of understanding.
Fashion- psychology: scientific study of mental behaviors and functions
Fashion - Cultural Studies: situate the forces constructing our daily lives.
Fashion - Art History – used to date paintings
Thorstein Veblen – Economist / Sociologist and Author: Theory of the Leisure Class
Conspicous consumption: The acquisition and display of expensive items to attract attention to one's wealth or to suggest that one is wealthy.
DRESS AS LANGUAGE –what does it communicate? Dress is more like music than speech, suggestive and ambiguous rather than bound by the precise grammatical rules.
Heterogeneity of everyday dress practice - the quality or state of being heterogeneous; composition from dissimilar parts; disparateness. Heterogeneous: different in kind; unlike; incongruous.
Disembody Fashion: Fashion, which is not connected to the body which wears it. Fashion is an embodied practice: Fashion is practiced worn on the body, connected to the body.
Aesthetics : the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments. 2.the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.