Please sign in by placing a CHECK or X or next to your student’s name Welcome to Physics Room D101
Why Are There 3 Teachers? Learning Specialist Mrs. Haas 23 rd year teaching; 6 th year at RHS Content Specialist: Mrs. Correia 7 th year teaching Student Teacher: Mr. Slemmon
Why Are There 3 Teachers? When ing… Please cc both Correia & Haas on your s, and encourage your students to do the same. Oftentimes, we will forward to each other, and the other will reply, or vice versa – don’t be offended – we are a team Mr. Slemmon can be reached by ing either of us – we will forward along to him!
Why Physics First? Physics is the base science. Physics is the base science. Many Physics principles are used in Chemistry: Many Physics principles are used in Chemistry: Energy Energy Matter Matter Mechanics Mechanics Many Chemistry principles are used in Biology: Many Chemistry principles are used in Biology: Energy Energy Atomic Structure Atomic Structure Acids/Bases Acids/Bases The face of Biology has changed to more Bio-Chem. The face of Biology has changed to more Bio-Chem. Students who choose to study science in college are statistically more successful Students who choose to study science in college are statistically more successful More info is available on my website! More info is available on my website!
Getting to the Teacher Web Page…part 1 1. Go to the RHS Webpage
Getting to the Teacher Web Page…part 2 2. Click ‘TEACHERS’
Getting to the Teacher Web Page,part 3 3. Click ‘Correia, Mrs.’
Website Link to website: Page/1108 Link to website: Page/ Page/ Page/1108
Genesis – Grade book & Course Pages Please note: EVERYTHING goes on Genesis! All graded assignment documents are linked to the graded tasks. All NON-graded documents (i.e., daily PPTs, worksheets, etc.) are linked to the task labeled with the DATE. This “Daily Updates” assignment is UNGRADED and is just a placeholder
Genesis – Gradebook & Course Pages /genesis/ /genesis/parents
Course Purpose: To Encourage Questions, Promote Critical Thinking, and Encourage Self-Advocacy : The goal of this course is to encourage students to think critically about their surrounding world and environment. We want the students to ask “Why?” and “How?” This course focuses primarily on a strong foundation in physics concepts, and only after concepts are established will some basic math be introduced Students will learn how to advocate for themselves and take ownership of their learning
Course Topics This is a conceptually based course that will incorporate mathematics skills based on concurrent enrollment Mechanics Linear, Circular, & Projectile Motion Newton’s Laws Energy, Power, Momentum, & Conservation Center of Gravity; Universal Gravitation Wave Motion Nature of Light, Color, and Sound
Some Highlights… Syllabus: HW is not always graded; no credit for late HW HW is not always graded; no credit for late HW Late projects/ other assignments are 10% off each SCHOOL DAY they are late Late projects/ other assignments are 10% off each SCHOOL DAY they are late See RHS Handbook for Academic Integrity info (cheating = Saturday detention, 0%, loss of privileges, etc.) See RHS Handbook for Academic Integrity info (cheating = Saturday detention, 0%, loss of privileges, etc.) All quizzes (not tests) are open notes but not open text All quizzes (not tests) are open notes but not open text Formulas will be provided on tests (student must know how/when to apply) Formulas will be provided on tests (student must know how/when to apply)POGILs An alternative to lecture An alternative to lecture Will be used throughout your children’s science careers to improve their attainment of concepts Will be used throughout your children’s science careers to improve their attainment of concepts Please see for more info Please see for more info
Information Recap Please cc both of us! Please cc both of us! Mr. Slemmon can be reached by ing either of us Mr. Slemmon can be reached by ing either of us Genesis Online Gradebook: Genesis Online Gradebook: Updated on a daily basis; please check often! Updated on a daily basis; please check often! “Ungraded” daily assignments with links to download all documents not attached to a graded task “Ungraded” daily assignments with links to download all documents not attached to a graded task Genesis Course Pages / Website: Genesis Course Pages / Website: Daily schedule, citation resources, extra practice, etc. Daily schedule, citation resources, extra practice, etc.
Your Homework: Check your ! We will be sending a “test” sometime over the next few days. If you don’t receive one by 3pm MONDAY, us ASAP! We are looking forward to working together for a great year! Enjoy the rest of your evening!