Abrian E. Benson 13 years old Memphis Academy Of Health Science 9 th Grade Health Science Education
My Bio My name is Abrian Benson. I was born in Jackson,MS on October 1,1996. I am 13 years old. When I grow up I want to become a OBGYN and a heart and lung surgeon. I would like to attend Harvard University and transfer to UT CHAT so I will be close to home.
My School
Animal Hospital Field Trip
Infection Control
Breast Awareness Day
Military Day
Heart Day
Honors Perfect Attendance Community Service Citizenship Track and Field Choir
What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up When I grow up I would like to become a OBGYN or a heart and lung surgeon. The reason I why I picked an OBGYN is because a lot of women have babies everyday and need to be able to identify what their baby is and things about it. The reason why I picked a heart and lung surgeon is because a lot of people have heart problems, heart attacks, and they suffer from cardiopulmonary disease and they need a good doctor to help with their diagnoses.