Extension: How would the cognitive approach explain gender development? Discuss with somebody else what the difference is between sex and gender and the different ways we can learn our gender.
Psychological explanations of gender development 1) Cognitive developmental theory, including Kohlberg. Pages
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able: To describe the three stages of Kohlberg’s theory and to give an example for each stage. To apply understanding of Kohlberg’s theory.
Starter Extension: What factors do you think influence what we view as gender appropriate behaviour? Discuss: At what age/s do you think children will be able to answer each of the following correctly? Explain your answer. 1. Which one are you? When shown a picture of a boy and girl 2. Were you a little boy or a little girl when you were a baby? 3. When you grow up will you be a mummy or daddy?
Your task (10 minutes) Use page 216 to make AO1 notes on Kohlberg’s theory of gender development. You MUST include the following: A definition and example of each stage. How each stage differs from the previous stage. At which stage a child develops their full understanding of gender and why. Extension: Which role models may children use to develop their understanding of gender?
Check your understanding How would a child who has developed ‘gender identity’ determine the gender of these children? What would this child think if the children swapped outfits? Would the child know what gender each child was when they were a baby? Why? Extension: Do you agree that this stage will always come first when learning gender identity? Why?
Check your understanding How would a child who has developed ‘gender identity’ determine the gender of the child to the left? When would a child correctly be able to determine the gender of this child? Extension: Can you relate your development of gender to this theory? Which of the pictures to the right would a girl who has developed ‘gender constancy’ be most drawn to? Why?
Developing your AO1 Discuss how you could build at least one of the following terms into the AO1 of Kohlberg’s theory: Maturation Universal Idea that gender develops in fixed stages in an ordered sequence. Progression through these stages is a gradual process. Idea that gender develops in fixed stages in an ordered sequence. Progression through these stages is a gradual process. Idea that regardless of culture all children go through the same stages in the same order. The influence of culture occurs in ‘gender constancy’ Idea that regardless of culture all children go through the same stages in the same order. The influence of culture occurs in ‘gender constancy’ Extension: Do you agree with these terms? Why/why not?
Apply your understanding Watch the You Tube clip to reinforce your understanding. Design a study to investigate whether Kohlberg’s theory is accurate. Include the following: Method used Operationalised variables Potential extraneous variables Hypotheses Sampling method Procedure and materials Ethical considerations Design a study to investigate whether Kohlberg’s theory is accurate. Include the following: Method used Operationalised variables Potential extraneous variables Hypotheses Sampling method Procedure and materials Ethical considerations Extension: Assess the reliability and validity of your study.
Learning objectives : You are now able: To describe the three stages of Kohlberg’s theory and to give an example for each stage. To apply understanding of Kohlberg’s theory.
Homework Due next lesson: Use pages to write out an AO2/3 point on research evidence for Kohlberg’s theory using the following studies/arguments: Slaby and Frey (1975) Bem (1981)/Martin and Halverson (1981) Use the 8 step process to write out your point. Preparation for next lesson: Think about what other AO2/3 points could be used for this theory.