Microsoft Word
OPENING MICROSOFT WORD Click Start button Point to Programs Click Microsoft Office then Microsoft Word 2007
Parts of a Microsoft Word Window
Title bar – displays the document’s title Menu bar – contains the names of Word’s menus and is used to navigate through their commands Tool bar – provides quick access to a commonly used command. Scroll bar – used to move around your document with a mouse Status bar – provides information about your document, such as what page you’re currently editing. Workspace – the area where you type in your document
Move ActionKeystroke Beginning of a lineHome End of the lineEnd Top of the documentCTRL + Home End of the documentCTRL + End
Saving a document Click the save button or click Save on the file menu When you save a new document, MS Word initially fills the file name box with the first sentence or word you typed on your document. You may replace it with your own filename.
Selecting text Before you change a block of text, move it, change its typeface, or copy it, you have to select it first. Click at the start of the word, then drag your mouse to the right until the letters are highlighted. To Select the whole document, Triple click at the left of the document and highlight the whole document or press CTRL + A
OVERTYPING To type text right over existing text, double click OVR on the status bar or press the Insert key on the keyboard
CUT and PASTE Cut removes an object from a document and place it in a clipboard. Paste copies an object from a clipboard to a file. Clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations.
Keyboard Shortcuts – Document Actions ActionKeystroke Open a fileCTRL + O New fileCTRL + N Close a fileCTRL + W Save AsF12 SaveCTRL + S or SHIFT + F12 Print PreviewCTRL + F2 PrintCTRL + P ActionKeystroke Show / Hide Paragraph Symbols CTRL + * Spelling and grammar F7 HelpF1 FindCTRL + F ReplaceCTRL + H Go ToCTRL + G
Keyboard Shortcuts – Text Styles ActionKeystroke Font FaceCTRL + SHIFT + F Font SizeCTRL + SHIFT + P BoldCTRL + B ItalicsCTRL + I UnderlineCTRL + U Double UnderlineCTRL + SHIFT + D Word UnderlineCTRL + SHIFT + W ActionKeystroke All CapsCTRL + SHIFT + A Change CaseSHIFT + F SubscriptCTRL + = SuperscriptCTRL + SHIFT + = Make web hyperlink CTRL + K
Create a Drop Cap A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text as shown. – Place the cursor within the paragraph whose first letter will be dropped or select the paragraph. – Click Format on the menu bar then click Drop Cap. The Drop Cap dialog box will appear. – Click Dropped. – Click OK button.
Correcting the Spelling MS word automatically checks the spelling of the words you typed, using wavy red underlines to indicate possible spelling problems and wavy green underlines to indicate possible grammatical problems. – Right click these words that are marked – Click the appropriate correction
Automatic Spelling Correction MS Word automatically corrects many commonly misspelled words and punctuation marks with the auto correct feature. To add words that you commonly mistype follow these steps: – Click Tools on the menu bar. – Click Autocorrect options. – Click the Replace box then type the misspelled word. – Click the With box and type the right spelling for the word. Click OK.
Find and Replace Text Click the Edit menu bar then click Find. The Find and Replace dialog box will appear. Type the word you are trying to find on the Find What text box. Click Find Next button. The first highlighted text will be selected. Repeat this step until done. Click OK if prompt with a dialog box. It means that Word has finished finding word in the document.