The seven Sacraments Through sacramental signs and symbols we are able to experience the presence of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.


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Presentation transcript:

The seven Sacraments Through sacramental signs and symbols we are able to experience the presence of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Communion/ Holy Eucharist 4 1.Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Communion/ Holy Eucharist 4.Anointing of the sick 5. Holy Orders 6. Holy Matrimony 7.Reconciliation/ confession/ Penance

Sacrament of Initiation Baptism- initial encounter with the sacramental Christ. The baptized person becomes a member of Christ’s Church. Confirmation- completes baptismal grace. The ordinary minister of confirmation is the Bishop.

Sacrament of Initiation Eucharist- The centre of sacramental life The Eucharist is also called the Lord’s Supper, Holy Sacrifice, Holy Communion and Holy Mass. The Eucharist represents the real presence of Christ.

Sacrament of Healing Confession/ Reconciliation-provides forgiveness for sins committed after baptism. Anointing of the sick- is an extension of the healing of Christ to the seriously ill and elderly.

THE SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE Holy Order –Continues the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ to His Apostles until the end of time. Three degrees: Bishop, Priest and Deacon. Permanent sign of Christ’s presence through the priesthood. The priest teaches, sanctifies and governs the people of God.

THE SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE Holy Matrimony Covenant between one man and one woman for a lifetime, to show their love for one another, to have children, and to be witness of the union of Christ and the Church.

Baptism Signs and symbols 1. Cross- When we are baptized we receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads. The Cross is the badge of the Christian faith. It is the symbol through which our salvation is wrought. 2. White Garment - the white garment is a symbol of purity as well as a manifestation of the "new man". White symbolizes that the stain of Original Sin is no longer upon the child whose soul is wiped clean by the sacrament of baptism. The infant is now a child of God and that heaven is opened to him/her. 3. Oil Of Chrism - The attractiveness of being a follower of Jesus 4. Water - water reminds us that it is God who gives us life. Symbolizes cleansing and purity. Water also washes away our sins 5. Light - The final symbol in baptism is the giving of a lighted candle. Light, like water, is essential for life. Without light there could be no life on this planet. It particularly symbolizes Faith.

Confirmation Laying of Hands Oil of Chrism In the sacrament of confirmation, two specifc signs are used in the conferral of the grace of the sacrament; these are: the imposition of hands, and the anointing with oil, specifically, with sacred chrism. The sacrament is usually conferred by the bishop of the diocese, although he may delegate this authority to a particular priest for a specific celebration. After certain prayers, the bishop imposes his hands over the head of the confirmand (the one being confirmed), in continuation of the long-established practice of Christianity, reaching back to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. Then, after the confirmand positively renews his or her baptismal vows, the bishop anoints each one on the forehead with the sacred chrism. This is a special oil, used only for confirmations and ordinations. It is scented with aromatic balsam (the 'balm of Gilead'), and serves to remind the faithful that they are the 'aroma of Christ' in the world.

Eucharist 1. Wine: - Otherwise known as the "fruit of vines" the wine in the Eucharist is used to symbolise the blood of Christ. 2. Bread: - Otherwise known as the "Host" is used to symbolise the body of Christ during the Eucharist.

Anointing the sick Laying of hands Anointing with oil

Reconciliation The Priest giving absolution

Baptism - water, oil Confirmation - oil and the laying of hands by the Bishop Eucharist - bread and wine Reconciliation - the priest giving absolution Matrimony - rings, vows... or on a radical note, the couple themselves exchanging vows Holy Orders - the candidate kneeling and the laying of hands by the Bishop Anointing of the sick - holy oil