Nutrition By - Grace
Carbohydrates Major source of energy 2 types- simple (sugars) complex (starches) Oatmeal, bread, honey, ex… Are macro nutrients
Fats 30% of calories are fat 2 types- Saturated Unsaturated May block arteries walnuts, olive oil and canola oil, ex… Can cause heart problems
Protein 2 types- Plant Animal beef, poultry, fish, eggs,ex… builds, maintains, and replaces tissues 10–35% of daily calories muscles, organs, and immune system are protein. protect organs and absorbs essential vitamins
Fiber helps against gut cancers and constipation fruits, vegetables, grains,ex… helps move food through the digestive system 2 types- Souble Insouble makes us feel full, discourages overeating
vitamins 4 main types- A,b,c,d Vitamin A helps you see at night. Vitamin B gives protein and energy. Vitamin C helps body heal cuts. Vitamin D helps bones Helps you grow and develop fresh fruit’s, vegetables, ex…
Minerals iron, manganese, copper, zinc,ex… 2 types- Macro minerals Trace minerals Makes strong bones, transmit’s nerve impulses helps body grow, develop, and stay healthy
Water Fight’s off illnesses digests food and gets rid of waste main ingredient in sweat fruit, meat, vegetables,ex… Caffeine makes you lose water