IFA 11 th Global Conference on Ageing Prague Access to knowledge, education and training Jim Soulsby
Learning the lessons: education in later life & for an ageing society: - This symposium wishes to highlight & stimulate: - the potential for later life learning & access to education as integral & key elements of all ageing strategies what can be achieved by highlighting what has already been undertaken in policies, actions and research; a better understanding of some of the barriers that have prevented education for an ageing society being better appreciated, understood and adopted and actions that have been undertaken to remedy this.
We live in a world where: - education is still mainly viewed as an activity for children and not of value to all adults throughout their lives there is a lack of research and researchers about the proven value of later life learning there is a lack of dialogue between those within education and those concerned with health, well-being, active ageing and welfare of older people whether this is policy makers, academic researchers, those who interface with or represent older people and even among older people themselves. there is a need for a better interface between policy, practice, research and the voices of older people in the field of later life education We therefore need to rethink how we reach older people, how we teach them and what we encourage them to learn.
Our speakers Dr Franz Kolland, University of Vienna, Austria Thandiwe Yeni, Muthande Society, Durban South Africa Martina Ni Cheallaigh, DG Education & Culture, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium Dr Gulnara Minnigaleeva, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Yue Ying, Hubei Provincial University of Elderly People, China (Poster presentation only)
Are you involved in later life learning? AEA is an international membership organisation open to all. Its strength lies in combining the interests of research, practice & policy concerning later life learning.
International Journal of Education & Ageing It brings together, in a critical and accessible manner, the best of international research, scholarship and practice in later life learning. The journal should be essential reading for all those engaged in the study of learning in later life and/or in fields of practice that contribute to it.
The network for Later- Life Learning: - Connects later - life learning ideas, projects, policy, research & the voices of older learners Promotes an integrated & coherent approach for future policy & practice Develops dialogue with key national, regional & European stakeholders concerning all aspects of later life learning
Contacts ForAge Jo Leadbetter, University of Leicester - Association for Education & Ageing and International Journal for Education & Ageing. - Other matters. -