Influences on Louis XIV Divine Right – 4 years old when he takes power Man who really ran country for young Louis XIV upset Nobles Resulting Riots almost killed Louis Never forgot his anger – vowed to never be threatened by them again! Spotlight on Absolute Monarchs Louis XIV “The Sun King”
Goal: To make France Strongest Nation in Europe Used Mercantilism (make France self-sufficient) and strong army! “I am the State” – Strongest King of the Time Louis XIV’s Influences Spotlight on Absolute Monarchs Louis XIV “The Sun King”
Successful attempts to expand France’s territory raised taxes and lowered living conditions of French 1715 his death is celebrated by French Palace of Versailles (helped put French in debt) Louis XIV’s Legacy Versailles Spotlight on Absolute Monarchs Louis XIV “The Sun King”
Palace of Versailles
Versailles was immense! The palace was so long that food from the kitchens was often cold by time it reached Louis’ chambers. It looked like a small royal city. It’s size and rich decorations displayed Louis’ wealth to everyone who went there. Estimated cost: $2 million 36,000 laborers and 6,000 horses worked on the palace There were so many fountains that they were not run all that the same time. On days when the king walked through the gardens, servants ran ahead and turned the water on as Louis approached.
Versailles Statistics e 2,000 acres of grounds e 12 miles of roads e 27 miles of trellises e 200,000 trees e 210,000 flowers planted every year e 80 miles of rows of trees e 55 acres surface area of the Grand Canal e 12 miles of enclosing walls e 50 fountains and 620 fountain nozzles e 21 miles of water conduits e 3,600 cubic meters per hour: water consumed e 26 acres of roof e 51,210 square meters of floors e 2,153 windows e 700 rooms e 67 staircases e 6,000 paintings e 1,500 drawings and 15,000 engravings e 2,100 sculptures e 5,000 items of furniture and objects d'art e 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the Vegetable Garden