TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE To conduct tactical convoy operations in a Contemporary Operating Environment
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Safety is of the utmost importance in any training exercise. During training, commanders will conduct risk assessments to determine the safest methods of training soldiers. The objective is to provide realistic and authentic battlefield training conditions while taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all training participants. Add specific items of interest here that apply to safety aspect of training.
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Ensure safe handling and muzzle awareness of weapons is enforced throughout the lesson and exercise. Ensure mandatory safety guidelines are enforced with respect to vehicle maintenance and operation. Ensure standard safety procedures are followed when mounting and dismounting vehicles. Gunnery range operation will be conducted IAW established regulations. Range safety and Observer/Controller personnel will be certified prior to range operation. All live fire exercise participants must be qualified on individual and crew-served weapons in order to be allowed on the range. Discuss each of the bullets listed here. Highlight efforts that must be made prior to start of training.
You will learn to… Identify the threat Harden vehicles Conduct convoy briefing Execute motor movement Defend against attack Defend against Improvised Explosive Devices Conduct convoy consolidation and reorganization Conduct actions at the Release Point
You will also… Describe purpose and functions of the gun truck Identify gun truck crew duties Harden gun trucks Employ gun trucks
Convoy…the target of choice.
WHAT THE THREAT LOOKS LIKE Unconventional, irregular forces Not easily identified Wants to kill Americans Focus on soft targets, especially convoys Attacks with: Improvised Explosive devices (IED) Small arms Rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) Any combination thereof
WHAT THE THREAT LOOKS LIKE (CONTINUED) Avoids sustained contact Monitors movements of troops, vehicles, and equipment Constantly adapts and improves tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP)
ENEMY GOALS Discuss the areas of concern and the differences in vehicle windshield configurations that are present on our fleet of tactical wheeled vehicles.
ENEMY GOALS Stop your movement Kill Americans Demoralize US soldiers and the American Public Dissuade third country nationals and contractors from working with or for the US Turn public opinion against the war, forcing abandonment of the war effort FLEXABILITY - Harden vehicles to provide the degree of protection required while maintaining maximum flexibility in vehicle use. Harden the cargo beds of vehicle carrying troops with sandbags. Beds of vehicles carrying cargo are not normally hardened (depending on the cargo). WEIGHT - All vehicle hardening adds weight to the vehicle. One effect of added weight is to reduce proportionally the amount of cargo that can be carried. Another potential effect is added vehicle maintenance and durability problems. Consider the vehicle’s payload capacity when deciding the extent of hardening. AVAILABILITY - If it is necessary or desirable to fabricate armor kits, consider the availability of suitable materials and the time needed to complete the project. MAINTENANCE - Vehicle hardening normally increases the amount of vehicle maintenance needed and can cause mechanical or structural damage. The sandbags themselves, when used to harden vehicles, also require periodic removal and replacement. If too much weight is added to the vehicle, it may reduce the vehicle’s mobility and operational capabilities.
FACTORS TO CONSIDER Availability Weight Maintenance Other Trade-offs Flexibility Availability Weight Maintenance Other Trade-offs
THE SHORTCOMINGS OF SANDBAGS Engine damage Loose sand Secondary projectiles They fall off the vehicles Replace as quickly as possible with rolled steel plating and/or Kevlar blankets or panels
HARDEN VEHICLE CAB Best but not always not available is a Kevlar blanket or steel plate Double-stack sandbags under the passenger seat and on the cab floor Place a heavy rubber mat or fiber mat over the sandbags Cover windshield and side windows with wire mesh Harden the doors
VEHICLE CAB AREA Flexibility Weight Availability Maintenance Lets apply these critical considerations to hardening of a vehicle cab. FLEXIBILITY How flexible is it if the operator pedals, seats and other controls are encumbered by ill placed or too many sandbags on the cab floor. WEIGHT Weight considerations are primarily of a concern in the cargo bed area AVAILABILITY If there is a shortage of sandbags, where would you place them to maximize survivability? MAINTENANCE Always keep this in mind. If there are sandbags that rub against moving parts of the vehicle, they will require replacement more often than others.
VEHICLE WINDSHIELD Flexibility Weight Availability Maintenance Discuss the differences in vehicle characteristics with respect to lowering of windshields. M35A3s, Soft top HMMWVs, and 939 series 5-ton cargo trucks have a lowerable windshield. FMTVs, HEMTT, PLS trucks do not. Etc.. Naturally, mission intentions may dictate whether the windshield should be lowered or not. What is the threat, how well do the operators have to see out? Should the windshield be left in place to increase protection? Applicable to some M998 and M939 Series soft-top vehicles only.
HARDEN VEHICLE CARGO AREA (TROOP CARRYING VEHICLES ONLY) Cover the floor with at least a single layer of sandbags Stack sandbags five high around the sides of the bed Construct a support structure to hold sandbags in place
Troop carrying cargo bed SUPPORT STRUCTURE Troop carrying cargo bed (overhead view) Front Frame is constructed using pressure-treated lumber. End posts are 4X4s, 48” high. Side and end rails are 2X4s. Once frame is completed, cover the sides with plywood. 4X4s-48”high This is a top view of a sample frame that can be expediently constructed to support a sandbag-lined cargo bed area. Use what materials you have available. Remember ! FLEXIBILITY WEIGHT AVAILABILITY MAINTENANCE
Support structure for troop carrying cargo bed (lateral view from rear)
HARDENED FOR TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS Flexibility Weight Availability Maintenance Single layer of sandbags on floor of cargo bed
HARDEN FUEL TANK and tops of fuel tanks if possible. Place protective plating around sides, bottoms, and tops of fuel tanks if possible. Ensure fuel lines and fuel tank hanger brackets are not damaged during hardening. Ensure fuel tank hardening does not interfere with performance of operator PMCS
TROOP LEADING PROCEDURES Receive the mission Issue the warning order Make a tentative plan Conduct reconnaissance Complete the plan Issue the operations order Conduct rehearsals Supervise the execution
ASSEMBLE KEY PERSONNEL Serial/March unit commanders Security force OIC or NCOIC Trail/Maintenance and Recovery OIC/NCOIC Platoon sergeants Squad leaders Communications NCOIC or radio operators Ammunition NCOIC Pacesetter/lead vehicle commander Route/choke point guides Vehicle commanders (as needed) VIPs
ISSUE MAPS Maps Strip maps Overlays XXX XX SPT 3 II X 1 120KM 212 DTAC ACP 120KM DREAR X I I I 11 A M MASH 212 377(-) HET 3 II 1 181 16 SPT Maps Strip maps Overlays
DISSEMINATE BRIEFING IN 5-PARA OPORD FORMAT Situation Mission Execution Service support Command and Signal Safety Environmental protection Conduct a brief-back with subordinates to insure they fully understand the mission.