Training session BirdStats/Trim Tom van der Meij (Statistics Netherland / Bioland) 1.Overview of Trim and BirdStats 2.Settings 3.Input => data import 4.Stratification 5.Analyses and results Practice 6.First run: getting started with testdata 7.Further practice on your own data
Overview of Trim
BirdStats = MS Access database
Overview of BirdStats / settings
Importing data (plot table, counts table, visits table) >>Vertical data >>Horizontal data
Checks and data characteristics
Stratification Nr and name of data/plot selection & selection criteria One record for each species & dataselection Species number
Analyses: running Trim in batch mode
Practice on testdata and your own data: -Install BirdStats and run first session with testdata (check ‘Getting started with Birdstats’ -Prepare your data to run with Birdstats or Trim -The project team and I can help
Vertical = OK Horizontal > ^ Close