People on the West Coast of Africa (Morocco, Western Sahara, and Mauritania) have been infected by a rod-shaped bacteria called Vibrio Vulnificus. By: Faith Wieland Flesh Eating Bacteria!
Vibrio V. is a microorganism: rod shaped bacteria It is a species of Gram-negative, motile, curved, rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Vibrio, flesh eating bacteria that you can get from raw meat and warm salt water. Vibrio Vulnificus
o Vomiting o Diarrhea o Blistering dermatitis (sometimes mistaking for pemphigus) o Weakening of the immune system o Infection of the blood stream causing life threatening illness; includes fevers and chills. Symptoms usually start within 12 to 72 hours. Symptoms
How can you get infected? You can get infected by eating raw tainted shellfish (oysters, clams, or mussels). Also when warm saltwater comes in contact with an open wound (which makes it more of a problem in the summer). People with some pre-existing medical conditions are 80 times more likely to develop Vibrio Vulnificus (kidney disease, iron disorders, liver cancer, diabetes, etc.). But, Vibrio V. does not spread from one person to another. This makes Vibrio V. less harmful that it doesn’t spread by person, but that just makes it more of a problem with either meat or lots of injuries on the west coast of Africa.
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / Prevention Diagnosis By not eating raw seafood and thoroughly cooking meet also covering open wounds. The doctor will ask about recent history of raw oyster consumption and under cooked Sea food. Also ask about preexisting wounds. Laboratory testing of stool, wound, or blood Specimans.
1.Correct types of therapy along with some antibiotics. ( None specifically named; talk to the doctor about what would be best.) 2.In case of a wound infection, aggressive debridement is necessary to remove necrotic tissue. 3.If the person is in shock, preform necessary interventions to resuscitate the patient. 4.But in some cases infections could heal by its self but still would be a serious need of going to the doctor. Possible treatments
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Vibrio Vulnifus is not a common disease. But the fact that so many people on the western coast of Africa is making it a huge concern. In the US there are not many cases about a little over 10 people in the last year. The biggest problem of Vibrio V. is in Florida for the US. But just because we don’t know the effects of Vibrio V. personally, doesn’t mean its not out there because it is. People are suffering from the crucial effect Vibrio V. has. So, Just remember that when you’re out having fun in an ocean there are certain concerns and precautions you should take. Well to Morocco, Western Sahara, and Mauritania we wish the best of luck and just follow the steps in this PowerPoint and it should be dealt with properly. After effect