World economy is awful Germany, Italy, Japan go with dictatorships.(not democracy) Germany and Japan get “aggressive”.
Europe gives Czechoslovakia away to Germany…app easement Poland Um stay out of it…um...this doesn’t look too good…maybe we should…um…look at some cartoons Stay out of it…isolation Stay out of it…isolation…we passed Neutrality Acts in 35’36’37, and 39 China Korea Austria.
We sell goods to good and bad guys…but Bad guys have to pay up front and use their own boats to hall it away… Well, we are still “sort of” staying out of it…
Austria. Europe gives Czechoslovakia away to Germany. Poland China Korea Norway Denmark Belgium France A little help! Um….ok…wait…JAPAN NO MORE OIL!!!! French-Indo China aka Vietnam
Well ok… about this? We “give” Great Britain war supplies…Destroyers for bases See, we are still not really involved, totally, maybe…at least American kids are not getting killed… Wait…you hear a buzzing sound?
388 to 1 in the house… 82-0 Senate
Win in North Africa Russians Stalingrad…start moving west We invade Italy…slow going Midway!!! Employ ISLAND HOPPING
The US has been putting soldiers and equipment into Great Britain for months. We have been waiting for the right time to come across the English Channel to open a “second front”. Early June 1944 looks like a “great time” to do this… The Soviets
Tuesday June Opening of the “second front” in northern France. Operation Overlord
They are going to Come across here!!! Um sir?...I think they are goin to land here…
Korematsu v. United States -Fred Korematsu is an “Japanese American” - He is arrested for not going to Japanese internment camps...E.O. 34 He sues the US under the 14 th Amendment. Court states…in war time your civil right can be taken away. (Shenk v. United States.)
We convert our peace time industry to war stuff We plant VICTORY GARDENS Rationing + people were only allowed a “fixed amount” of commodities. Rosie the Riveter
By April of 1945… the war in Europe is over The Japanese Are still fighting and it looks like that fight will go on for a long time… Do we have a plan “B”? Yes, yes we do sir. Lyons
Fat man Nagasaki Little boy…Hiroshima.