Vision A pace setter in the provision of farm management training as trade and the creation of smallholder farmer support and development model Mission Ncera (Pty)Ltd is a training and development academy that focuses on innovation and inclusive farm management within the context of commodity based agriculture
3200ha 2200ha=10 Farmers leasing.18000people,80% unemployment. 1000 ha,Centre,Tunnels,Workshop. Dairy,Beef,Mechanization,Vegetables,Training 30-40km to East London -+700mm per annum Deep Soils Vegetation Encroachment
6 Staff members,CEO,Extension Officer, Tractor Mechanic, Farm Manager, Accounts Officer, and Personal Assistant. Vacant Posts-CFO,HR manager,Tranning Officer,Receptionist. 26 workers,Dairy,Workshop,Lands,Tunnells, Beef Animals.
NGUNI COWSSTATISTICS KPITargetActual Training44 Ploughing50 Ha44 Ha Mechaniz ation 10 tractors 8 Centre 4 community Mortality rate 2%8,8 Calving %70%68,5% Stock Theft 0.0%0,6%
The entity maintained the record of the clean audit report The entity closed down the dairy which was continuously operating at a loss
The entity manage to appoint the CEO in 2011/12 financial year Two Administration(Accounts Assistant and Personnel Assistant) Human Resource, Remuneration, Supply Chain Management, Fraud Prevention and Asset Management Policies were developed during the year Improved relationship with the stakeholders of Ncera Farms
During 2011/12 financial year the entity incurred losses & profit in the following areas: *The total cost incurred of R91,890 includes an amount of R which was for casuals appointed for bush clearing/ and preparation. Please note that this is not a direct cost rather a capital input #Operating loss incurred at the dairy section supports the decision taken by the entity to close it down. In the allocation of R4, million as at 2011/12 financial year the entity spent R4, ,the R86,568 relates to accruals. DESCRIPTIONCROP PRODUCTION - VEGETATBLES LIVESTOCK/BEEFDAIRY SalesR60,663R508,147R1,358,100 Total cost incurredR91,890R439,860R1,683,699 (Operating loss)/Profit (R31,226) *R68,287(R325,569)#
Governance 5 policies have been developed Infrastructure Renovations of buildings Livestock Successful Auctioning of livestock TrainingWork in progress on Accreditation with Agri Seta IT equipmentPutting up sever, purchase of computers for staff members OperationsTurn Around Strategy development HR Employment of two staff members, Accounts Officer and PA Job CreationLand preperation,for cropping, casual workers. SecurityContract a security company
Challenges Entity operated without the Board in the 2011/2012 financial year(audit committee) No Financial procedure manual, policy, risk strategy and risk register in place Bush Encroachment Dairy making a net-loss No lease agreements for farmers Butternut Plantation
Beef AnimalsDairy Animals No proper fencing Nguni Cross Breeds In Breeded Animals Low Calving rate Training Unaccredited training, and material Low productivity,7L per cow/day Mixed Jersey, Frieslands Aged Animals Old Dairy Structure Poorly managed pastures No sustainable water source
Non viable enterprises, Dairy net loss Turn the situation around Close the Dairy, and Introduce Beef breeds, Goats and add more tunnels. Provide accredited training, Agri-Seta Strong Farmer, community Support, through mechanization and Extension Program Job Creation Require Funding to execute the plan