Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, The Gateway Centres and their context in the STFC Strategy Steve Worm Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, The STFC Mission Over the next three-years, STFC will spend over £1.9 billion in support of UK science and technology Aim to use this investment to help to turn the UK into a twenty-first century knowledge economy by delivering both –world class science and technology to understand the universe, to solve pressing global and societal problems and –a step change in the impact of science on our economy and our society through knowledge exchange and by attracting and training a skilled workforce.
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Strategic Overview Invest in a prioritised programme of innovative, underpinning technology development, including accelerator science and technology, detectors, sensors, and space technology which will enhance the effective exploitation of major national and international facilities and our programmes, and which match to societal and public policy priorities. Develop, with our partners, the Harwell and Daresbury Science and Innovation Campuses as national hubs of knowledge exchange. We plan to create new “Technology Gateway Centres” at the campuses and establish “Futures Programmes” to provide a step-change in engagement with industry and academic users.
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Give the highest priority to exploiting recent investments in major national and international facilities which will tackle some of the most exciting science challenges of the next decade. We will maintain our subscriptions to international organisations because continued membership is crucial to the delivery of our science strategy and our international credibility and leverage, and will support exploitation through grants to universities. Invest in targeted R&D so that the UK can be a significant partner in a select number of timely and affordable future large-scale facilities; we aim to host at least one in the longer-term.
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Delivery Plan and new Gateway Centres Plan includes new growth and development “Plan to create 5 new ‘technology gateway centres’ at the Harwell and Daresbury Science and Innovation Campuses to provide a step- change in engagement with industry and academic users.” Technology, People and Science “We will work with other Research Councils, the TSB and other potential partners to provide the infrastructure for these ‘gateway centres’ and to populate them with world-leading science programmes.”
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Addressing Challenges of the twenty-first Century The twenty-first century is increasingly driven by science and technology; skills that enable the UK to address global scale issues in environmental change, healthcare, energy and natural resources, and our safety and security. Our stewardship of large facilities and research infrastructures means that we can naturally facilitate novel, interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to help solve these challenges. In doing so, we can assure the UK’s economic wellbeing by increasing the scientifically skilled workforce.
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, The science programmes and facilities needed to answer these questions all build on our world-leading technological competencies in (among others) –particle accelerators –sensors and detectors –advanced engineering –space technology –cutting edge computing, simulation and modelling. We can use our technological capabilities to answer these global challenges. How do they connect?
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Access to STFC expertise Applications Access to Facilities Computer Simulation modelling Advanced materials Design, Engineering & Space Sensors Electronics Photonics Bioscience Healthcare Energy Technologies Climate change Environment Global Security Nanotechnology Nanoscience Digital Economy
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Access to STFC expertise Applications Access to Facilities Computer Simulation modelling Advanced materials Design, Engineering & Space Sensors Electronics Photonics Bioscience Healthcare Energy Technologies Climate change Environment Global Security Nanotechnology Nanoscience Digital Economy Futures Programmes Imaging Solutions Centre Hartree Centre Joint Institute for Materials Design Detector systems Centre Space Centre
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Harwell Daresbury Science and Innovation Campuses The Science and Innovation Campuses at Harwell and Daresbury should become focal points for collaboration and knowledge exchange with industry and academic researchers, and gateways to our in-house expertise and that of the communities we support Our core technology competencies have been identified and will be refocused on an outward facing collaborative role
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Gateway Centres Based on our core technical competencies Detector Systems Centre – advanced detector technology Space Centre – a new space centre for the UK Hartree Centre – a step-change in modelling capabilities Imaging Solutions Centre – transforming “facilities access” into “solutions access” Joint Institute for Materials Design – integrating materials innovation with advanced characterization
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Futures Programmes Tech Centres: hard for external users to see how to connect –We should be willing and able to engage directly with themes such as energy and the environment –We should help users from such theme areas navigate through STFC’s capabilities and centres to understand how we can work together Futures: themes drawn from societal and public policy priorities –Bio-medical –Security –Energy Getting going (starting with the first four) –Identifying STFC coordinators –Will be initiating workshops in each area –Natural and formal way to engage industry –Environmental Change –Nano-science and Technology –Digital economy
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, A Scientifically Skilled Society A highly skilled workforce –an essential part of a successful twenty-first century economy –people are one of the most powerful vectors of knowledge exchange STFC contributes by… –attracting young people into scientific and technological careers through its challenging science programmes, –outfitting them with highly analytical skills desirable in sectors such as finance, IT and high-tech industry As a component of the campus initiatives, we aim to develop strategic regional and national partnerships to establish a skills development and capacity building programme
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Technology Strategy Board and KTPs Technology Strategy Board –Ongoing series of bilateral meetings and visits with TSB: good basis for collaboration –in-house researchers can bid for funds to TSB technology development programmes –TSB support for facilities access Knowledge transfer networks –KTP’s and (still under discussion) “reverse KTP’s” with industry personnel seconded to the lab
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Facilities for the Future of Science RCUK’s Large Facilities Roadmap –Currently being updated: 2008 draft at –Consultation on draft complete and final document is being prepared –Includes the Large Facilities Capital Fund, major projects funded through the Council’s base level of support, subscriptions etc. Approval Stages –Current Facilities: have funding secured –Planned Facilities: have undergone a significant level of planning but funding is not secured (i.e. funding may be earmarked or currently being requested) –Emerging Facilities: potential future facilities
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Large Facilities Capital Fund LFCF: funding mechanism for large capital-intensive facilities –Meant for projects >£25M capital, overall scale ~£100M/year –CSR07 settlement mentions the possibility of significant increase in the fund if the quality of projects merits it –Development of DSIC and HSIC: £ M in draft roadmap
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Large Facilities Capital Fund The funding approval process involves (from OGC’s Gateway Process) –Preparation of the Science Case –Preparation of the Business Case - Gateway 1 Review –Procurement Strategy - Gateway Review 2 –Consideration by DIUS of the Business Case and submission to Ministers for approval of the commitment of funds Status and timescale –We are already past the Science Case step (sort of) –Recommended to be earmarked for funding by RCUK-EG –They clearly want to see a well-developed Business Case soon –Timescale from the new ‘Scorecard’:
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, RCUK/LFCF: Business Case The business case should include… –A more detailed requirement that reflects user requirements – possibly an outline specification; –Confirmation of technical feasibility of the project; –Identification of success criteria against which options for delivery of capability from the investment can be judged; –Analysis of main options (e.g. UK only, collaboration etc) and cost effectiveness & risk; –Analysis of “opportunity cost” of undertaking this project versus other –competing for funds in same time-scale; –Assessment of affordability; Also funding model with connections to external stakeholders
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Conclusions Particle Physics / Technology is probably the largest community involved in the Detector Systems Centre Please input your ideas and help shape the programme …lets get to work!
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25,
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25,
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, STFC projects in the roadmap Planned facilities –The Daresbury and Harwell Science and innovation campuses –Diamond Beamlines Phase III –ISIS - Target station 2 instrumentation (Phase III) –European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) upgrade –The European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) –Diode Pumped Optical Laser for Experiments (DIPOLE) –Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) –European Extremely Large Telescope –Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt –Square kilometre array (SKA)
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, Emerging Facilities –New Light Source project –European 3rd Generation Gravitational Wave Observatory (Einstein Telescope) –Neutrino Factory –Future Particle Physics Colliders –Underground Science Initiatives –High power laser Energy Research Project (HiPER) –Next generation neutron sources
Steve Worm – Gateway CentresApril 25, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY January 2008 This document is intended to provide a written description of the Science and Technology strategy for distribution to stakeholders, and to explain the future direction in more detail than the delivery plan. This is a pre-release version. The next draft will be circulated for wider discussion and community input. As programme decisions are made in January 2008 they will be incorporated in later drafts.