IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga COMPARATIVE REVIEW QUALITY MANAGEMENT in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS of the EU Member States REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Dr Gordana Žurga Current Status & Proposal for Continuation
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga The Contents Purpose and Goals – the review Activities Performed The Usage Proposal for Continuation
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Purpose and Goals To round the area of Benchmarking with assuring brief and transparent overall picture of the QM approaches, initiatives and tools; To have accurate and standardized information on QM in PA of the EU MS
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga The Comparative Review is: Oriented towards having a transparent matrix of the QM approaches, initiatives and tools in the EU MS; Standardized information on each country at the broadest level; Gathering together variety of existing information on QM in EU PAs
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Potential Users Any person interested in the QM of EU PAs To have comparative information; Seeking for countries (or cases) for his/her Benchmarking activities; Identifying sources for more detailed information
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Fitting in the Benchmarking Model INFORMATION LEARNING APPLICATION EVALUATION Enabling Leading to Measurement Approving Template Protocol for updating EUPAN
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Activities Performed Start of the CR: in February 2005; Template development: April – July 2005; Launching the template: 25th July, 2005; By 30th August 2005, 22 EU MS provided the information; Austria in October 2005; Publishing the matrix at the EUPAN website: September 2005, 21 UE MS; Updated matrix with the information for 22 EU MS: November 2005.
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga The Usage For comparisons, conferences, MTP 2006/7; No detailed statistics received by 28th November 2005; Figures for September 2005 (second half): 55 downloads, 20 from inside EIPA, 35 from outside.
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Proposal for Continuation (1) The EUPAN website (A) Updating the Matrix Information: periodically, twice per year, once within each presidency: between the two IPSG meetings MS are asked to update their matrix information; additional matrix item: Date of last update ; part of the EUPAN communication protocol. (B) Customizing the Matrix: Basically, replacing the Excel file with more user friendly form; more clear separation of Levels 1 and 2.
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Proposal for Continuation (2) 4QC Contents analysis/Study of the QM in the EU PAs and presentation of the findings at the 4QC; Leading country: Slovenia; G. Žurga; Participating countries: seeking for volunteers; Duration: till September 2006.
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Proposal for Continuation (3) Mid-Term Work Programme 2006/7 Background, point 3: Efficiency of Public Administration; Proposal: To compare practices of MSs in the matrix's area Measuring Quality of PA and search for good practices to stimulate learning in this area.
IPSG, 1st & 2nd December 2005; G. Žurga Proposal for Continuation (4) General – Possible Areas can be identified according to the principle: relevance for IPSG, Lisbon Strategy etc., the matrix information on specific area can serve as bases for more detailed investigation and / or report.