Internet Safety Provided by the Nebraska Attorney Generals Office
You Should Know The Internet can be a great place to learn new information, meet new people, and have fun. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous place. Whether you’re in a chat room, sending s, or just surfing, you need to take responsibility to be safe. Consider the following tips to be Internet Safe.
Tips to be Internet Safe Talk to your parents about which sites are off limits and which ones are OK. Keep your passwords secret and change them regularly. Never assume someone is who they say they are. Never give out a phone number, address or photo to an online pen pal or someone you met in a chat room unless you talk to your parents first.
More Tips… NEVER agree to meet with an online acquaintance without talking to your parents. Know the difference between advertising and entertainment. Sometimes it’s not clear cut. Do not respond to mean or threatening s. Always follow these guidelines no matter what computer you’re on or where you’re at. Finally, if you ever have any doubts about anything online (Web sites, , or giving out information) always talk to your parents. Never keep it to yourself.