Goal 4.01: Describe types of menus used in culinary businesses.
vary the way food is prepared (deep fried and cold appetizer) entrée- baked, roasted, broiled beef, pork, chicken colors, shapes, textures, flavors, temperatures, number of items, different arrangements garnishes
food from all food groups (fruits, vegetables, starches, meats, dairy) vary flavors, shapes, colors, size plating- arrangement of food on the plate/adds visual appeal serving size- moneys worth, too big/too small
proportion- ratio of one food to the other and to the plate/fit the plate number of foods on the plate-odd number more visual
truth-in-menu guideline- FDA guideline pay penalty “homestyle” baked in-house Maine Lobster- from Maine guideline-nutrition, quantity, grade, freshness
1. Brand names must be represented accurately. 2. Dietary/nutritional claims must be accurate. 3. The preservation of food must be accurate. (fresh is fresh not frozen) 4. Quantity must be accurate. (16 oz before cooking)
5. Location of ingredients must be accurate. (Maine lobster from Maine) 6. Quality/grade must be accurate. (meats- prime must be prime not choice) 7. Cooking techniques must be accurate. (broiled- broiled not baked)
8. Pictures must be accurate. 9. Descriptions of food products must be accurate. (jumbo shrimp- jumbo shrimp not medium shrimp)
low fat diets- heart disease, cancer, weight control, high fiber /low in fat and cholesterol diabetes- balance food, portion size, exercise, medication/fruits and vegetables, lean meats, poultry, fish, low fat, sugar free, whole grains/ carbohydrate content
food allergies- detailed information about common allergies shellfish, fish, tree nuts (walnuts, pecans) peanuts, dairy, soy, wheat, eggs