1 M. Yokoyama (Kyoto University) for K2K collaboration June 10 th, U.
2 K2K experiment since 1999 First accelerator-based long baseline (250km) neutrino experiment. 12GeV PS beamline Beam monitor Near detector 50 kton Water Cherenkov detector Search for disappearance and e appearance 250km Pure beam (99%) w/ ~1.3GeV 1. Introduction
3 Flavor mixing in lepton sector Flavor eigenstates ≠ mass eigenstates Parameters: 3 mixing angle ( 12, 23, 13 ) 1 complex phase ( ) S ij :sin ij, C ij ;cos ij e m1m1 m2m2 m3m3
4 Neutrino Oscillation Time evolution of neutrino Consider mixing b/w two flavors If there is neutrino oscillation → m 2 ≠0 →m≠0! If m 2 ≠m 3, is in mixed state after time evolution! Consider neutrino generated as pure cos sin
5 Super-Kamiokande atmospheric 1.3x10 -3 <m 2 <3.0x10 -3 eV 2 sin 2 2=1, 90% CL) → oscillation?
6 1995 Proposed to study neutrino oscillation for atmospheric neutrinos anomaly. 1999 Started taking data. 2000 Detected the less number of neutrinos than the expectation at a distance of 250 km. Disfavored null oscillation at the 2 level. 2002 Observed indications of neutrino oscillation. The probability of null oscillation is less than 1%. 2004 This result! Brief history of K2K
7 K2K Collaboration JAPAN: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) / Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR), Univ. of Tokyo / Kobe University / Kyoto University / Niigata University / Okayama University / Tokyo University of Science / Tohoku University KOREA: Chonnam National University / Dongshin University / Korea University / Seoul National University U.S.A.: Boston University / University of California, Irvine / University of Hawaii, Manoa / Massachusetts Institute of Technology / State University of New York at Stony Brook / University of Washington at Seattle POLAND: Warsaw University / Solton Institute Since 2002 JAPAN: Hiroshima University / Osaka University CANADA: TRIUMF / University of British Columbia Italy: Rome France: Saclay Spain: Barcelona / Valencia Switzerland: Geneva RUSSIA: INR-Moscow
8 2. K2K experiment overview monitor monitor Near detectors ++ Target+Horn 200m decay pipe SK 100m ~250km 12GeV protons ~10 11 /2.2sec (/10m 10m) ~10 6 /2.2sec (/40m 40m) ~1 event/2days Extrapolation Near detectors at KEK monitor + simulation (MC) no oscillation oscillation Super-K Energy 250km
9 Bird ’ s Eye Neutrino Beam Line 200m 100 m Neutrino KEK
10 Neutrino beam and the directional control ~1GeV neutrino beam by a dual horn system with 250kA. <1mrad The beam direction monitored by muons Y center X center ≤ 1 mrad 99 Jun04 Feb ~5 years
11 Accumulated POT (Protons On Target) Jan 99 Jan 00 Jan 01 Jan 02 Jan 03 Jan 04 protons/pulse (×10 12 ) Accumulated POT (×10 18 ) K2K-I K2K-II 8.9×10 19 POT for Analysis (previous results: 4.8 ×10 19 POT)
12 Near detector system at KEK 1KT Water Cherenkov Detector (1KT) Scintillating-fiber/Water sandwich Detector (SciFi) Lead Glass calorimeter (LG) before 2002 Scintillator Bar Detector (SciBar) from 2003 Muon Range Detector (MRD) Muon range detector
13 SciBar Detector Full-active, fine-segment detector made of Scintillator Bars 2.5x1.3x300cm 3 cell ~15000 channels WLS fiber+MAPMT readout Detect short (~10cm) track p/ separation using dE/dx Precise spectrum measurement interaction study Extruded scintillator (15t) Multi-anode PMT (64 ch.) Wave-length shifting fiber EM calorimeter 1.7m 3m
14 Detector Photos Scintillators (64layers) EM calorimeter Fibers and front-end elec.
Just Completed! Aug. 22, 2003
Start data taking (SK- I) 1999 K2K start Stop data taking for detector upgrade Accident (~7000 inner PMTs, 1100 outer PMTs were destroyed) partial reconstruction of the detector resume data taking (SK- II) resume K2K beam (K2K-II) SK- II K2K-II SK- I ~5years C Scientific American 42m 39m Water Cherenkov detector 1000 m underground 50,000 ton (22,500 ton fid.) 11, inch PMTs 1,885 anti-counter PMTs Far detector : Super-Kamiokande
17 SK is back ! Sep.-2002, before water filling Jan.-2003, fully contained event Full water on 10-Dec Acrylic + FRP vessel
18 SK Events (BG: 1.6 events within 500 s 2.4×10 -3 events in 1.5 s) T SK T spill GPS SK TOF=0.83msec 108 events Decay electron cut. 20MeV Deposited Energy No Activity in Outer Detector Event Vertex in Fiducial Volume More than 30MeV Deposited Energy Analysis Time Window 500 sec 5 sec T DIFF. (s) T SK - T spill - TOF 1.3 sec (K2K-1:56)
19 3. Analysis Overview Observation #, p and interaction MC Measurement (E ), int. KEK Far/Near Ratio (beam MC with mon.) Observation # and E rec. Expectation # and E rec. (sin 2 2 , m 2 ) SK
20 4. Near Detector measurements Event rate measurement (#of int.) Measurement w/ 1KT Cross-checked by other detectors Spectrum shape measurement 1KT, SciFi, SciBar (p, ) Measure spectrum and nQE/QE ( interaction model) Predict number of event and spectrum shape at SK
21 Neutrino GeV & E reconstruction CC QE ~100% efficiency for N SK can reconstruct E p CC nQE (1pi, multi-pi, coherent,DIS) ~100% efficiency for N SK Bkg. for E measurement NC ~40% efficiency for N SK + n → + p -- p ( E , p ) + n → + p + ’s p ’s -- + n → + p + p ( E , p ) ’s /E ( cm 2 /GeV)
Event rate The same detector technology as Super-K. Sensitive to low energy neutrinos. Far/Near Ratio (by MC)~1×10 -6 M: Fiducial mass M SK =22,500ton, M KT =25ton : efficiency SK-I(II) =77.0(78.2)%, KT =74.5% N SK exp =150.9 N SK obs =
Measurement with SciBar Full Active Fine-Grained detector (target: CH). Sensitive to a low momentum track. Identify CCQE events and other interactions (non-QE) separately. p CCQE Candidate CCQE non-QE 25 p (degree) p DATA CC QE CC 1 CC coherent- CC multi- 2 track events p
Near Detector Spectrum Measurements 1KT Fully Contained 1 ring (FC1R) sample. SciBar 2 track nQE ( p >25 ) 1 track, 2 track QE ( p ≤25 ), 2 track nQE ( p >25 ) where one track is SciFi 1 track, 2 track QE ( p ≤25 ), 2 track nQE ( p >30 ) where one track is
25 A hint of K2K forward deficit. SciBar non-QE Events K2K observed forward deficit. A source is non-QE events. For CC-1, Suppression of ~q 2 /0.1[GeV 2 ] at q 2 <0.1[GeV 2 ] may exist. For CC-coherent , The coherent may not exist. We do not identify which process causes the effect. The MC CC-1 (coherent ) model is corrected phenomenologically. Oscillation analysis is insensitive to the choice. q 2 rec (Data-MC)/MC DATA CC 1 CC coherent- Preliminary q 2 rec (GeV/c) 2
Near Detectors combined measurements (p ) for 1track, 2trackQE and 2track nQE samples (E), nQE/QE Fitting parameters (E ), nQE/QE ratio Detector uncertainties on the energy scale and the track counting efficiency. The change of track counting efficiency by nuclear effect uncertainties; proton re-scattering and interactions in a nucleus … Strategy Measure (E ) in the more relevant region of 20 for 1KT and 10 for SciFi and SciBar. Apply a low q 2 correction factor to the CC-1 model (or coherent ). Measure nQE/QE ratio for the entire range.
GeV GeV GeV GeV E QE (MC) nQE(MC) MC templates KT data P (MeV/c) (MeV/c) flux KEK (E ) (8 bins) interaction (nQE/QE)
28 Flux measurements 2 =638.1 for 609 d.o.f 1 ( E< 500) = 0.78 0.36 2 ( 500 E < 750) = 1.01 0.09 3 ( 750 E <1000) = 1.12 0.07 4 (1500 E <2000) = 0.90 0.04 5 (2000 E <2500) = 1.07 0.06 5 (2500 E <3000) = 1.33 0.17 6 (3000 E ) = 1.04 0.18 nQE/QE = 1.02 0.10 The nQE/QE error of 10% is assigned based on the variation by the fit condition. >10(20 ) cut: nQE/QE=0.95 0.04 standard(CC-1 low q 2 corr.): nQE/QE=1.02 0.03 No coherent: =nQE/QE=1.06 0.03 (E ) at KEK E preliminary
29 1KT: momentum and angular distributions. with measured spectrum (deg.) 0 90 p (MeV/c)
30 SciFi (K2K-IIa with measured spectrum) P 1trk P 2trk QE P 2trk non-QE 1trk 2trk QE 2trk non-QE 02(GeV/c)040(degree)
31 SciBar (with measured spectrum) P 1trk P 2trk QE P 2trk nQE 1trk 2trk QE 2trk nQE
32 5. Super-K oscillation analysis Total Number of events E rec spectrum shape of FC-1ring- events Systematic error term f x : Systematic error parameters Normalization, Flux, and nQE/QE ratio are in f x Near Detector measurements, Pion Monitor constraint, beam MC estimation, and Super- K systematic uncertainties.
33 K2K-SK events K2K-alll (K2K-I, K2K-II) DATA (K2K-I, K2K-II) MC (K2K-I, K2K-II) FC 22.5kt 108 (56, 52) (79.1, 71.8) 1ring 66 (32, 34) 93.7 (48.6, 45.1 ) -like 57 (30, 27) 84.8 (44.3, 40.5) e-like 9 (2, 7) 8.8 (4.3, 4.5) Multi Ring 42 (24, 18) 57.2 (30.5, 26.7) for E rec Ref; K2K-I(47.9×10 18 POT), K2K-II(41.2×10 18 POT) (56) preliminary
#SK Events Expected shape (No Oscillation) E rec [GeV] KS probability=0.11% V: Nuclear potential Toy MC CC-QE assumption
35 Best fit values. sin 2 21.53 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.1210 -3 Best fit values in the physical region. sin 2 21.00 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.7310 -3 logL= Results sin 2 2 =1.53 can occur by statistical fluctuation with 14.4% probability. A toy MC sin 2 2 m2m % preliminary 1.53
36 N SK obs =108 N SK exp (best fit)=104.8 E rec [GeV] Best Fit KS prob.=52% m 2 [eV 2 ] sin 2 2 Data are consistent with the oscillation. Based on lnL preliminary
37 disappearance versus E shape distortion sin 2 2 m 2 [eV 2 ] N SK (# ) E shape Both disappearance of and the distortion of E spectrum have the consistent result.
38 Null oscillation probability K2K-IK2K-IIK2K-all disappearance 2.0%3.7%0.33% (2.9) E spectrum distortion 19.5%5.4%1.1% (2.5) Combined 1.3% (2.5) 0.56% (2.8) 0.011% (3.9) K2K confirmed neutrino oscillation discovered in Super-K atmospheric neutrinos. Disappearance of and distortion of the energy spectrum as expected in neutrino oscillation. The null oscillation probabilities are calculated based on lnL. preliminary
39 m 2 [eV 2 ] sin 2 2 preliminary 8. Summary has confirmed 3.9 With 8.9×10 19 POT, K2K has confirmed neutrino oscillations at 3.9. 2.9 Disappearance of 2.9 2.5 Distortion of E spectrum 2.5 x10 -3 <m 2 <3.5x10 -3 eV 2 2=1 (90%C.L.)
40 Backup
41 7. Other Physics in K2K (based on K2K-I data) M (MeV) +H 2 ONC1 0 sin 2 2 e m 2 [eV 2 ] 90%CL limit 90%CL sensitivity e search PRL accepted =0.064 (prediction) =0.065 0.0010.007 not NC1 0 preliminary
42 1KT: momentum and angular distributions. with measured spectrum (deg.) flux measurement low q 2 corr. p (MeV/c)
43 SciFi (K2K-IIa with measured spectrum) P 1trk P 2trk QE P 2trk non-QE 1trk 2trk QE 2trk non-QE 02(GeV/c)040(degree) flux measurement 10
44 SciBar (with measured flux) P 1trk P 2trk QE P 2trk nQE 1trk 2trk QE 2trk nQE flux measurement 10
45 Log Likelihood difference from the minimum. m 2 <(1.7~3.5)×10 -3 eV 2 at sin 2 2=1.0 (90% C.L.) sin 2 2 m 2 [eV 2 ] lnL - 68% - 90% - 99% - 68% - 90% - 99%
46 The change of N SK exp in K2K-I (Bugs) The detector position 295m 294m -1% MC difference between KT and SK KT; M A (QE)=1.1 (NC el ) KT =1.1×(NC el ) SK SK; M A (QE)=1.0 Efficiency change! -1% N SK exp Change ~2% 295m 294m
48 CC-1 suppression versus coherent
49 Systematic Bias without the MC correction. Oscillation Results ND (SciBar) measurement DATA; MC w/ CC-1 suppression MC template; Default MC systematic bias flux nQE/QE Toy MC Default MC for ND and SK sin 2 2 =1.00 m 2 =2.73 ×10 -3 eV 2 Prob.(null oscillation)=0.0049% Corrected MC sin 2 2 =1.00 m 2 =2.65×10 -3 eV 2 Prob.(null oscillation)=0.011% There is a small bias in nQE/QE and the low energy flux.
50 Oscillation result with a default MC Without low q 2 MC correction The result w/o low q 2 MC correction gives the better (biased) measurement due to the more low energy flux and the smaller nQE/QE.
51 K2K-I vs K2K-II
52 K2K-I vs K2K-II
53 µ Disappearance Result (K2K-I) Normalized by area Expectation w/o oscillation Best Fit Reconstructed E Best fit: m 2 =2.8 x10 –3 eV 2 Null oscillation probability: less than 1%. m 2 =1.5~3.9 x eV 2 2 (90%CL) Allowed region PRL 90(2003)041801
54 Extrapolation from Near to Far sites beam 250km FD (<2m) ×10 10 ×10 4 Energy RadiusEnergy Radius PION moniter Gas Cherenkov detector: (insensitive to primary protons) Measure, N(p , ) just after the horns. 1.0×10 -6