Chapter 11.2 & 11.3 Notes How is the US Congress Organized? Bicameral…2 houses 1.House of Reps: called the “lower house” 435 seats Seats apportioned: divided based on population…redone every 10 years by US Census 2 year terms 25 years or older/US citizen 7 yrs/resident of state 2.Senate: called the “upper house” 100 seats, 2 for each state 6 year terms 30 yrs or older/US citizen 9 yrs/resident of state
How Congressmen (Legislators) see their Job: fill one of 2 roles usually Delegate: these people represent their districts directly by meeting the wishes & needs of their constituents….they work on behalf of the people that voted them in Trustees: Try to exercise their best independent judgment on issues…more experienced lawmakers that understand people have conflicting interests Turnover & Re-election of US Congressmen There are no term limits for US Congressmen…there are for state legislators Incumbents since 1945….House: reelected 90% of time/Senate: 80%....WHY??????? 1.Name recognition: voters are familiar w/names & trust them more 2.Office Resources: use current staff, mailing, travel allowances—helps keep them in touch w/voters 3.Campaign Funds: incumbents typically receive larger amounts of dough 4.Bragging Rights: incumbents point to successful things they have accomplished
Leadership Roles in Both Houses: 1.House: Speaker of the House—nominated by majority party; more power than anyone else in Congress; most impt role is deciding what bills will be debated in House & when 2.Senate: President of the Senate—this is the VP of US; only appears in event of ceremonies & breaking a tie in voting President of the Senate pro tempore: Senior Senator of the majority party; presides over Senate sessions when VP isn’t there
Congressional Committee System: Congressmen most often work in committee…there are 5 (you will need this for Thursday) 1.Standing Committee: handle most legislative business, study legislation & gather information—focus on broad areas (ex: homeland security, foreign affairs) 2.Subcommittee: mostly review proposed legislation—decide which bills move on & which DIE…most die 3.Select/Special Committees: usually temporary; investigate specific problems & report to Congress 4.Joint Committee: members of both houses; deal w/issues of interest of both chambers 5.Conference Committee: temporary…formed to iron out differences between 2 versions of a bill passed by the 2 chambers