By: Hayley Wilson
Fine Wool Long Wool Meat Hair
Originated in Tasmania from ¼ Lincoln, ¼ Australian Merino, ½ Superfine Saxon Merino Introduced to the U.S. in 1976 They have open-faces and are hardy and adaptable to harsh climatic conditions. Produce white, long stapled, high yielding fine wool.
Mature Body weight: Ram lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 5-8 lbs Yield: 50-65%
Cross between a Delaine Merino and a Rambouillet. White Faced with wool on the legs Very hardy and can lamb unassisted under range conditions. Also have a well developed flocking instinct.
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 9 ½- 14 lbs Yield: 45-55%
Developed from the Spanish Merino. They are smooth bodied, intermediate in size with wool going down the legs. They are hardy, long- lived with a well developed flock instinct. Suited well to hill country locations
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 9-14 lbs Yield: 45-54%
Developed from Spanish Merino This breed is the foundation of the U.S. range flocks. Largest of fine wool breeds Rugged and very adaptable Has extended breeding season and produces a high quality, fine wool fleece
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: lbs Yield: 45-55%
Originated in England and was imported into the U.S. in A large, deep bodied sheep with a large frame. Sturdy and fully wooled except for the lower part of the front legs Polled with a bluish- white face and forward pointing ears
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: lbs Yield: 55-70%
Originated in New Zealand. They are an open faced, medium framed breed. Were developed as an easy care sheep. They are both hardy and highly adapted to marginal forage- producing areas.
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 8 lbs Yield: 60-70%
Developed in England in the Romney Marsh region to withstand the cold and wet conditions Was imported into the U.S. in Medium sized, white faced with wool on the legs. They are good mothers with milking ability
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: lbs Yield: 55-70%
Originated in the United Kingdom. Just recently was introduced into the U.S. Is a very large, prolific long-wool sheep.
Mature Body Weight: Ewe: 200+ Grease Fleece Weight: lbs Yeild: N/A
Originated in Southern England, and was imported into the U.S. in 1885 Medium sized, white faced, and has wool down the legs Noted for their aseasonal breeding. Ewes are prolific, heavy milkers, long lived and produced hardy lambs with moderate growth and maturity
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 5-8 lbs Yield: 50-65%
Is widely used in the U.S. for commercial lamb production. They are a large, moderately prolific with wool caps, black faces, and medium wool fleeced. Very good milking ability, growth and carcass cutability
Mature Body weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 6-10 lbs Yeild: 50-60%
Originated in England with was brought into the U.S. in Medium to large framed with a dark face and wool down the legs Lambs are hardy, fast growing and produce lean, well muscled carcasses
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 6-10 lbs Yield: 50-60%
Was brought to the U.S. in The largest breed in the U.S. Has a bare and black head and legs Is prolific and a good milker, so lambs grow rapidly.
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 4-8 lbs Yield: 50-60%
One of the oldest sheep breeds. Imported to the U.S. in 1803 Is a small to medium sized breed with a light brown face and wool down the legs. They are early maturing and adaptable to live in almost any climate
Mature Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs Grease Fleece Weight: 5-8 lbs Yield: 40-55%
Was developed in the early 1900’s in South Africa. They are solid white, or white with black heads. They are hardy and adaptable to almost any climate Non selective grazers Lambs have rapid growth and early maturity
Maturity Body Weight: Ram: lbs Ewe: lbs
1. What breed is known for their aseasonal breeding? 2. Which breed was just recently introduced into the U.S.? 3. Which breed is the largest breed in the U.S.?